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Inner-city roof top

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The photo is from Boston's "South End", an area of land-fill that was once a tidal basin... we have some interesting stuff to look at in Boston.. This particular area was built with high hopes originally, but it was formerly adjacent to a huge open-air railyard and it became less-than-desirable initially as a luxe place to live. The folks ended up turning the entire area into rooming houses... almost from the get-go.. It has morphed substantially into high-end condos now.. The towers in the distance are in the 'Back Bay' area and that nasty bombing took place kind of to left of the glass-tower ® and the tall 60's tower (Pru). I stopped by the other day and found this tiny remnant/note on a tree where the idiots set off the 1st bomb..

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From the 13th floor in Jersey City, the roof top was 2 floors above that with penthouses and as hard as I tried there was no access. This is holding my camera out the window of the Master Brm during wind driven rain followed shortly by thunder, lightning and hail. That's the Freedom tower the day after it reached 1776 feet.

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