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Anyone see this show?

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I was surfing today and found this show. According to A&E, it's a new series. Pretty good show overall. Look forward to seeing other episodes.


Even the wife likes it. If I have to sit and watch a "makeover" show, I want to see some money made off of it.

Speaking of makeover shows....is it me or is Debbie Travis' butt getting bigger?

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Hell Don, I don't even know who Debbie Travis is. Anyway, I've watched the show three weeks in a row. I do find it interesting - especially since I ran across a house the other day that kind of fits the bill and I'm considering doing the same thing. The only thing I don't get is why they've got such a tight schedule on those houses. Is the bank requiring them to to turn them over within a certain amount of time in order to loan them the money? What's the damned rush?



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Last night's show was interesting. The local AHJ came by and shut them down for not having a permit. They intentionally flouted the law and continued working and then got shut down again and served a summons. At that point, the developer blatantly lied and pleaded ignorance of his people's action and finally toed the line and got a permit. I still don't understand these time lines they're using, unless it is a time limit placed on the job by the producers of the show, it doesn't make any sense to me, regardless of the financing arrangements.



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In flipping, the time line crunch is getting the project done & sold before there is any money that changes hands, i.e., the flipper doesn't want to make any payments. They want to close to their new buyer before the bank wants money. Also, every mtg. payment is another couple grand out of their net.

That's what flipping is. It's a really crappy way to run a construction project though......

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Kurt's got the right idea. The ideal flip is get it turned around before you have to start making payments. Some homes need just a little spit & shine, others need major overhauls.

I was glad to see he pulled the plug on that termite infested POS. I knew the chic had gotten emotionally involved by the way she talked. Like many buyers, she simply fell in love with that old junker and lost focus on what she was really buying it for.

It was amusing to watch the happenings with the AHJ. I had a feeling that Richard had connections at the city when he started making phone calls. Had he made those phone calls after the first incident, he'd probably got it settled without having to go down to Code Enforcement & Planning. What do you wanna bet he makes contributions to their election campaigns? [:D]

Captain, why would you think the Realtor should lose his license? You don't have the Realtor confused with the Investor (Richard Davis) do you? Just curious.

Overall I like the show pretty good. There's another show call "Flip that house" on The Discovery Channel. It's a 'milder' version and not near as fun to watch. The last show I saw the guy took 4 months to overhaul an apartment. Way too much time to have you money tied up unless you're going to lease or rent the unit out. Then, it's not really flipping, it rennovating/remodeling.

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