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Inspection time

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I just got off the phone with an agent in town. This is the second agent I've spoken with this week that is concerned about the length of my report. I'm using AHIT's program and I realize that half of the report is boilerplate. So my report is about 30 pages long that includes everything I've inspected. Good or bad. I asked him what he is used to and he told me 2 pages. I asked how long the other inspectors take on a job. 2 hours. I'm taking about 4 hours. I verbalize with my clients the good and bad as we walk. I'm a rookie but am I that far off?????

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No one does a 2 page report - they may have a 2 page summary. I too use AHIT's software, but after 7+ years it is highly customized and looks nothing like it did when I got it. Get rid of the CYA boilerplate as you feel comfortable doing so. It will come in time. The report I wrote yesterday was 23 pages long to include a 2 page summary of comments. Don't feel the need to explain yourself to realtors, they are not your clients. Do the jhob you want to do and take your feedback from you customers.

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If you strip away the attachments, contract copy and SOP, my reports probably average about 12 pages. That's about 25 photos and the rest is copy. Shortest are about 8 pages. I don't think I've been over 25 pages and about 60 photos.

It's been years since any agent commented in any way on the length of my reports.


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The Home Inspector Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics states Home Inspectors are required to tell the realtor to BONE OFF when they question you on anything.

That said, a AHIT boilerplate report that's 60 pages is a pile of shit. You need to either pare it down to useful information or get another system.

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I use 3D and have tuned it over the years. The report runs anywhere between 18-24 pages, really just depends on the amount of photo's attached.

As far as time on site. You do whatever you feel comfortable doing. I am in my 11th year and average anywhere between 1.5-2.5 hours for an average sized 2000 sq ft home. I then take another 1-1.5 hours on the report at home.

As has already been mentioned, check with your clients and see if they like the product. After all, eventually they will be the one's either singing your praises or something worse.

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I just averaged my May reports; they come to 32 pages without the summary or the WDI. So add another 6 pages or so and I'm at about 38 pages complete. That does not include any agreements or receipt.

I'm doing the inspections between 3 to 4 hours.

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My typical report is between 20 to 25 pages.

Tell the used house sales person that their clients are getting screwed with a 2 page report....

When I'm asked how long the inspection will take my common reply is now "I have no set time, it is over when it is over." If pushed I will give them the 2-3 hour response.

Back home it takes me about 30-45 min to upload photos, cleanup the verbiage and send it off. By the time I leave the house I now have 95% of the report complete. A few months ago I had around 60% of the report one when I left the home..

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