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Any of you guys designers/developers?

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Any of you guys designers/developers? I am. Did I ever tell y'all about my barnhouse? Yeah, I did.

Mike builds it with lots of steel and concrete, hey, that's a cop-out, man.

Mike has moved on, having found home inspection to be pretty same old same old after the horror shows petered out.

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Horse sense used to be understood just fine by common people. Now we have here one highly educated guy that seems to find it so far beyond his grasp and comprehension that he needs an individual to personify it in order to get it.

What the heck this world's coming to?


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Horse sense used to be understood just fine by common people. Now we have here one highly educated guy that seems to find it so far beyond their grasp and comprehension that they need an individual to personify it in order for him to get it.

What the heck this world's coming to?


Very highly specialized skill and knowledge sets. Urban people don't work on their own places. The world is urbanizing at an accelerated pace; few if any of my customers know anything about their habitations.

So, it's not surprising.

People like brands. Holmes is an influential brand. He's got that magic appeal on TV; people like him.

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