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Having a price list available to realtors

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Just wanted to see if anyone here prints a price list to give to realtors, who then pass it along to a home buyer either in their brochure or pamphlet. I thought this would be a violation of the law since it would allow home inspectors to share prices. Please post your comments.


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I just posted a link to my inspection fees on my website. I pondered the pros and cons for a long while and finally decided that if a prospect just wanted the lowest price, I would save them and myself the trouble by posting it online so they can quickly go their merry way.

There's a comment at the bottom that says the fees are 'subject to change at any time without prior notice'.

I don't know if our regulatory board would find it illegal.


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Just wanted to see if anyone here prints a price list to give to realtors, who then pass it along to a home buyer either in their brochure or pamphlet. I thought this would be a violation of the law since it would allow home inspectors to share prices. Please post your comments.


Good grief! It's not a "violation of the law" to look at your competitor's prices or be allowed to see them.

Now if you collude with other inspectors to fix prices, that's different. Kind of like if all inspectors agreed that their fee should be a fixed percentage of the sale price -- oh, wait, that's realtors, not home inspectors.

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No price lists. And I don't want a Realtor telling someone what they think I charge.

My fees reflect where the property is located, square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, house type (split level, crawl space, etc.) and most importantly, how busy I am.

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Originally posted by trentw7231

-- oh, wait, that's realtors, not home inspectors.

Yes, but if home inspectors followed the lead of some of us old timers who charged a percentage of the selling price,we would have a fee structure in place today that would be very profitable and which would take price out of the negotiation.

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