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Constant Facebook Nagging

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Hi All,

Does anyone else besides me ever feel like Facebook is that nagging clinging girlfriend you tried to break up with decades ago who won't stop bugging you?


I thought it would come in handy to contact some of the folks I used to work with in the Army and I knew years ago and had lost track of. Well, I was able to reconnect with some folks; but ever since I created a profile on there I've been bombarded with "notifications", "friend requests" from people I've never laid eyes on or even heard about, suggestions allegedly made by my friends to join linked in, zoosk, yelp, and cristonlyknows what other kind of internet mumbo jumbo.

It's pervasive and it never lets up. Nag, nag, nag and more nagging. To tell you the truth, it's making me sorry that I've ever ventured onto the internet. It's beyond me how folks can hang out on there all day.



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Draconian. You can't turn it off because it messes with ad revenue. If your not part of the revenue stream you are an obstacle. Why would they give you tools to obstruct their business model?

To tell you the truth, it's making me sorry that I've ever ventured onto the internet. It's beyond me how folks can hang out on there all day.

That sounds kinda funny coming from the guy whose living room we're all hanging out in.

Put the folks you want to talk to on a list, set your privacy settings to only allow those folks to see your posts. If you have a 16:9 monitor zoom to 125% and most of the goofy requests will be off the edge of the screen. Out of sight, out of mind. The rest are easy enough to ignore. Facebook notifications in my email just get deleted in bulk with the rest of the junk.

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Hi All,

Does anyone else besides me ever feel like Facebook is that nagging clinging girlfriend you tried to break up with decades ago who won't stop bugging you?

Thought you were going somewhere else with the post. I got on facebook a couple years ago. Within a week, had two old girlfriends trying to re-connect. Cancelled account. Happily married now for 35+ years; no need to F that up.

A shame, though; best way to keep up with what the kids/family are doing. My wife keeps up with such on Facebook, though, so not a total loss.

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It sure is easy to get into old friendships. The hard part is it takes time to maintain those things. I hardly have time for that these days. I'm there but I try not to get involved for that reason. Although, when I see someone say something really stupid, I have a very hard time keeping my mouth shut. Sometimes I just cant. I've said some stupid stuff myself.

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I use Facebook a fair amount and I get almost zero email from them. There are settings for what notifications you want to get, so I turned them all off. It's a good networking tool. I started with folks I know socially, but now also have many folks I want to talk about construction or building performance with.

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I keep my personal and business life separate on FB. For that reason I do not mention business on there.

My wife had my website linked on her FB page but I had to have her take it down. She is strongly opinionated on a political nature. At one point a group labeled her a racist for opposing Obama. That group then sent my business hate mail calling me a racist too. They claimed they were going to report me as a racist to all the realtor offices and that my business would suffer.

My business did nothing but grow from that point on. It grew from clients of all ethnicities.

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I wish someone would threaten me like that. I'd sit back and collect a ton of evidence and then sue the crap out of every one of them individually. I'd win and end up being able to retire to Cabo or someplace like that.



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Talk to a 15-year old? Whatchubeensmokinboy? Don't you know that after a certain age when you hear a teenager's voice it sounds like he or she is talking in tongues? I'm pretty sure it's the same on their end.

TIJ and forums of this sort are about my speed. Facebook is like standing in a gym packed with folks and trying to follow all of the conversations going on around you at once while folks contantly pester you to pay attention to something they want to show you waaaaay over there. It's mentally fatiguing.



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