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I've had some busy Spring seasons over the last couple decades, but this one is off the charts. I've tried to throttle it back by (essentially) doubling my fees, and no one cares; they schedule.

Even doubling fees, I'm turning away several jobs a week.

Is anyone else going nuts, or is it just Chicago?

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I've stayed pretty steady through most of the recession. Lately, I've been a little busier and have been taking in all I can do; and referring those I can't to other inspectors - some of them right here.

That's nothing remarkable though. Since I broke my back I can't handle as much as I used to anyway. My being at full capacity now is still less then most of the rest of you do when you're having an average week.



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I've never had a single full week in ten years. I'm hoping the 'phone that works' will change that. I've already noticed that when I make a sale, it's usually done in less than 5 minutes. My spouse will often spend twenty minutes at it.


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By golly the matchbook cover ad was right! I have done 472 inspections this year and am moving into my new house next week.

I am looking for a new person for the office and have ask all applicants how many inspections they think they can do per week. Nearly all have said Twenty per week.

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I've never had a single full week in ten years. I'm hoping the 'phone that works' will change that. I've already noticed that when I make a sale, it's usually done in less than 5 minutes. My spouse will often spend twenty minutes at it.

People like talking to women. I'd keep her on the phone longer than you...

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Cannot complain, better than last year, which was better than the year before, which was better than the year before. Honestly have not seen a first quarter this busy and we had a long winter with ample snow here in northern NJ.

Had the scooter out for the first time last week, good to feel the wind in my face.

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Last year was my best in the past seven, this years pace is just about the same as last year month by month. I am booked out about seven - eight days in advance so I have to turn down the ones that need it done tomorrow. I don't work Sundays and I've stopped doing evenings. I'll do evenings again when the weather gets too hot to walk roofs in the afternoon. I book two a day, that's all this old boy can handle.

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Last part of last year was very slow for me. When back to work for the HVAC company I worked for before. Then I started getting calls and had to turn down inspections.

At this time I doing 4 inspection a week on top of working a full time job, play with my son and trying to keep my wife happy.

All of this is wearing this old man out. Since most of the home I inspected is crap.

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