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What's the craziest hour you've booked an inspecti

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Sitting up late working on my tax filing and the phone rings. It's 1:30AM and the worst scenarios go through my mind. I can't believe it, I pick up the phone and someone wants a price! After she realizes the time she apologizes. I think her guilt may have helped close the deal. This a first for me. Anyone else have a similar experience?

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Same as Jim,

I'm sitting here working and most folks know they can call up until about 1:30 am.

I have had calls from folks in the evening wanting me to do an inspection that same evening and wanting to know if I'd be willing to work late. I did one of those - it was a pre-offer consultation and didn't require a written report.

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I rarely answer my phone after 6 or 7 in the evening, but I'm usually up before 6am and once in awhile I'll get an early morning call that I'll answer.

I had a call yesterday, a Friday, at 3:30pm asking if I could do a comercial propertyinspection the same day. I thought that was an odd request. It is scheduled for next Tuesday.

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I had a call yesterday, a Friday, at 3:30pm asking if I could do a comercial propertyinspection the same day. I thought that was an odd request. It is scheduled for next Tuesday.

Getting lots of those lately.

You know the market is picking up when realtors start trying to snow their clients with that old, "If we ask for a very short inspection contingency we have a better chance of having our offer accepted," line.

I think for most of them it's calculated risk. They know the most experienced and thorough inspectors are going to be booked up a week ahead; so, if their offer gets accepted with a shorter inspection period, there's more of a chance their client will only be able to book the new inexperienced guy, the incompetent guy or the guy who's going to be malleable from a 'zoid point of view.

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