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Here's what I posted about it on the ASHI Forum:

Several months back, a young lady asked if she could attend a meeting of the Oregon Association of Home Inspectors and, during the meeting, pick our brains about what we would like in an "ideal" piece of report writing software. She, apparently, represented a group of software developers who didn't know diddly about home inspections but thought that they could write some bitchin'-fine report writing software for us. A couple of weeks later, she sent us a very nice thankyou letter and explained that they were going to start by developing this photo handling software. I looked at the site, which was embarassing, and haven't thought about it since.

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There's value to it but you won't see it unless you get rid of the mindset that results from immersion in all the existing HI software on the market.

1) Gather info in the field in the form of text units and photos.

2) Develop the text units and photos using boilerplate, text editing, photo editing, etc.

3) Sort and contatenate the text units, photos, headings, etc into a report.

If this sorting software can't sort the text, photos and headings all at the same time, it deficient. Report writing is about saving time.


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