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My dad called me Monday night and gave me this news.

http://www.muskogeephoenix.com/apps/pbc ... 6278712665

Robert the cab driver passed away today around 1:30.

Robert was my cousin and about a year younger than me. We practically grew up together since my Aunt and Uncle lived close by and my Uncle worked for my Dad for a period of time.

I guess we were around 14 or 15 when my Uncle moved to take another job. Didn't see much of him after that. The last time I saw him was a couple years ago at a family reunion.

He'd gotten into trouble a while after getting out of school, but had straightened it out and was getting back on track. Driving a cab was an extra job he did to help pay his child support from a previous marriage.

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Hello Donald –

Along with the others who have shared their condolences, I too will keep you and yours in my prayers.

As a cop who faces my share of pointed guns and knives, (and even a whomping big screwdriver at a methlab two days ago) I am only too keenly aware of the terrible senselessness of violent attacks.

As Mike, the hausdok says – “ONE TEAM - ONE FIGHTâ€

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Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. They are appreciated.

The one shining light that I can see that came from this is, Robert signed up to be a organ donor a few months ago when he renewed his drivers license. That's the first time he'd ever done that.

Thanks again,

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