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Morning surprise

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Chris, I read everything I can get my hands on; I don't care if it's Red or Blue. I go to the bookstore & newstand about 4 nights a week & peruse everything from FHB to Stuff. There is no such thing as too much information.

Mike; it was some free lancer who called me out of the blue, asked some questions, then I forgot about it. It was kind of humorous 'cause I was reading along thinking "yeah, this guy's right; ya gotta have pipes & adequate hot......HUHHHH? That's me talking!"

So, now I've been in the Trib, the Sun Times, & the NEW YORK TIMES! hee, hee.....

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Originally posted by kurt

Chris, I read everything I can get my hands on; I don't care if it's Red or Blue. I go to the bookstore & newstand about 4 nights a week & peruse everything from FHB to Stuff. There is no such thing as too much information.

Actually, picturing you, alone, at a bookstore reading "Stuff" is waaaaaaay too much information!

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What paper? Who & where?

Let's see if this will work...

http://archive.nwherald.com/archive_det ... inspector§ionSearch=&begindate=1%2F1%2F2000&enddate=12%2F31%2F2005&authorSearch=&IncludeStories=1&pubsection=&page=&IncludePages=1&IncludeImages=1&mode=allwords&publicationSearch[]=Northwest+Herald&archive_pubname=Northwest+Herald%0A%09%09%09

Second to last paragraph...and sorry, 3 years of inspecting, not 2+.

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He got sick that night? That is so funny. I have to wonder how we manage to survive out here. Hell, I bet we breath more spore out here in a day than most of the rest of you will encounter in a year. If mold were "toxic" they'd have to declare Western Washington State a disaster area and relocate everyone.

It's funny how the stuff has been around for longer than man has walked the planet, was always called 'mildew' before the Ballard case and nobody got sick from it, but since Ballard it's 'mold' and people are claiming it makes them ill, despite the fact that it's been proven time and again there is no causal connection.

Quake? Kook? Quake? Kook? Quake? Kook? - Gosh it's so hard to decide.



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