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How to Conduct a Poll?

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Obviously, it's about time that a few home inspectors wrote a letter to the Chicago Tribune's op-ed page explaining what home inspectors really do, in order to dispell the silliness that will come out of such an indiotic piece. They should all sign it and name their companies. Those who participate will probably see an uptick in business.

The early bird gets the worm.

Hint, Hint.



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On the bright side, almost no one actually reads the Tribune (circulation #'s are inflated and the real estate section is almost totally ignored nowadays), and this will likely slide by just about everyone.

If I get inspired, I'll write a counter to piece. Since I'm leaving for Kunming (Himalayan foothills) tomorrow, it's a big if.

Thanx for the tip off though.

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Kurt, a guy that worked for me lives in Kuming now. I know there are only 5million souls that live there now, but if you see him say hello.

He swears Kuming is the best place in China for Americans. Little too close to Viet Nam (weather) for me 'tho.

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From all research, your guy is right. Kunming is in Yunnan, universally regarded by everyone I've met as heaven on Earth. Kunming city is called the "City of 4 Springs", meaning it's always springtime climate, very nice. It's not like 'Nam at all because it's at elevation.

It's a small city, only about 4-5 million. But then again, cities in China are organized on a scale that we would call a county, so it's hard to know what it'll feel like.

From Kunming, we're going to Lijiang, an ancient city, now tourist town, that used to be the hub and portal for all trade between China and Tibet.

The whole Tibet thing is very interesting. One of the extremely few common themes that I've found thus far, among the dozens and dozens of folks I've talked to from all walks of life, is Tibet is part of China. Do the history research, you'll find out yes, it was part of China a really long time ago. Do a little more research and you'll find that about the time China marched in and kicked a lot of butts, it was a bankrupt mess of little fiefdoms dominated by warlords that routinely abused and stomped on the peasants.

The idea that it was some kind of benevolent Buddhist retreat where everyone lived in harmony is way off the mark. It split off for several hundred years, but it was part of China. People here think in terms of thousands of years, not a hundred, so the idea is reasonable. Regardless, it's part of China now and will remain that way. The ink is dry and the money is in the bank on this one.

The whole separatist thing is strictly a Western idea....it has no traction in China. Zero. None. Not even with a few dissident types I've talked to that were at Tianmen in '89, and actively dissent on blogs and writings.

Folks all think the Dalai Lama is a terrorist lunatic for letting his young disciples immolate themselves, there's a fairly large group of monks in Sichuan province that vocally question the Dalai Lama on the practice; a lot of devotees don't support the practice and wonder why it's encouraged.

So, there's a lot of stuff in this place that makes you rethink positions.

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On the bright side, almost no one actually reads the Tribune (circulation #'s are inflated and the real estate section is almost totally ignored nowadays), and this will likely slide by just about everyone.

Well, I do. And a friend of mine who apparently has a little too much time on his hands sent me the article with my face pasted over the picture of the home inspector on the roof in the article as a joke.

I did send a letter to the real estate editor of the Chicago Tribune to substantiate the source of the statement in question. She sent my letter along to the president of ASHI, Jack McGraw, and he gave a response that didn't answer my question and pretty much made no sense. I'll probably post this later.

But right now I'm just not happy with the Tribune stating that home inspectors usually test for mold. I hope everyone answers the survey. I'm also posting a survey on another home inspectors forum.

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