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From the penthouse to the hothouse-my day

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I did two inspections today. The first was a one-year warranty inspection. I rang the bell and when the door opened, there was a gal that looked liked she just walked off the cover of "Maxim" magazine, wearing only a little spaghetti tee-and very short shorts. Had I been 10 years younger, and not a church-going, happily married guy, this story may have started out with "Dear Penthouse"... Sorry, no photos.

The second inspection was on a 40 year old, vacant home. As you may know, it's a might bit warm in the Phoenix area, this time of year. I go up and inspect a poorly ventilated attic. It felt particularly warm, so I thought I'd check the temp with my laser. 145!!! I did what I had to do and scrambled out of there.

I go into a lot of hot attics, but this was freakin' unbelievable! It was the first time I actually felt ill.

I guess ya never know how your day will go!

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You don't look so bad there Chris. Did you see that photo of my son-in-law? [:-snorkel

I can relate though. I was called out after lunch about 6 weeks ago to do a roof & attic only for an investor in a hurry. I don't know what the temp in the attic was, but when I inhaled it hurt a little. I tried to ignore it and concentrate on being thorough, and when I came out I felt woozy and weakish. No fun.

Brian G.

Quickly Nurse! Sweet Tea on Ice, a Big One! [:-crazy]

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Dang boy, you look rough!!

I've perfected my hot attic inspection process as well as I can. I get as much as I can from the access. I love the access's where the cold air rushes up the opening. I also use a tape recorder so I don't have to stop and write. Another inspector turned me on to damp rags stored in a zip lock in an ice chest. I put one around my neck before going up and as soon as I get back down.

However my very best tip is to have either my helper do the attic!

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Heck Chris, your hair isn't even wet. Ya know, it's true what they say - it ain't the heat, it's the humidity.

Last week we had a brief reprieve from the oppressive humidity. Wednesday was sunny, in the mid 80's a the relative humidity in the 40's. Just delightful. Then I go into the basement of a 110+ year old end of row. The humidty had to be 99.95%. Even though the temp probably wasn't over 75, my shirt was soaked in just a few minutes. I was thinking, "it doesn't get much worse than this". Then I realized that yes it could. I could be in a crawlspace.

The link to my self portrait taken that day, may or may not be here. If it shows up, there will probably be two of them. It's been so long since I uploaded a picture (or posted) that I forgot how to do it.

OK, no pic. I kind of figured. Well I put it here now: http://www2.enter.net/photoalbum/data/natan/315978.jpg

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Originally posted by inspecthistoric

Keep in mind that it's a surface temp reading. I see mostly slate on spaced battens. Surface temp today was 162. The attic air temp was 133 and the attic air handler was sweatin' as bad as me.


That temp was taken a hour after I had opened both scuttles to cool it off. While it is "surface temp", with an attic with 4' clearance and a 6'2" inspector, my head is pretty much touching the roof sheathing.

Sorry no pic of the customer, I couldn't figure out a professional way of asking for a photo session!

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Thanks for the picture John. It took almost five mnutes to download on this old dial up connection but it was worth it.

I think the heat has broken here for a while. 15 degrees cooler yesterday than Tuesday. Went from 97 with 75% humidity to 82 degrees today. I don't want to know how hot it is in some of the poorly vented attics I enter. I just try to get out as quickly as I can.

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Funny you asked Kurt. When I was on the roof I took out my binoculars for a better look and guess what? Somebody was looking back. I thought oh shit and looked at the roof real fast. No one was at the inspection with me at the time and I half inspected some secret service to show up but no one did. House was 1950's dog. Going for 2+ million just goes to show like they say,location,location,location. Moody is really part of Wells and is next town from rainbow Ogunguit.

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John C

Do not tell the other 49 states (HIs) about Maine. Next thing you know they'll be loading up thier u-hauls and moving up here. I'm from away- but spend 40% of my time in Bridgton. Couple of us ASHI guys vacation in the Bridgton area. Best kept secret in New England. If you tell them--they will come!!![:-banghea

Jack Ahern Needham on the Charles

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Jack, Your right I moved here over 10 years ago from Mass-one of the smartest things I ever did. I should have done it twenty years ago. But it does seem like a lot more people are moving here. 40% of my inspections are from people out of state.{like the last one -he was from Mass.} I like the getting the jobs but its starting to feel more and more like cape cod now with all the vacationer's! Might have to move to Eastport!

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Not to one up ya C - two years ago (97 deg F...somewhere in the neighborhood of 100% humidity), I moved the access aside in a 30 yr old POS that had NO visible ventilation. Got halfway inside, had considerable diffculty breathing, noticed the sweat droplets forming upon my arms (no more than 10 seconds). Had my brother hand me the temp gauge and shot a "filthy" 155 deg F. The real estate agent still talks about that attic whenever he sees me sweating.

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Originally posted by JohnC

Jack, Your right I moved here over 10 years ago from Mass-one of the smartest things I ever did. I should have done it twenty years ago. But it does seem like a lot more people are moving here. 40% of my inspections are from people out of state.{like the last one -he was from Mass.} I like the getting the jobs but its starting to feel more and more like cape cod now with all the vacationer's! Might have to move to Eastport!


Come on out! This is a wonderful part of the state. Real estate does not move as fast as it does down there in the "other" Maine but you sure can't beat the quality of life here in Washington county. Where else can you hike for miles along the coast and not see another person? Who knows how long it will last though, about 40% of my inspections are for out of state folks as well.

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