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BAD article on home inspection

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Yeah, poorly written indeed. A worthless and completely misleading article for a buyer who wants to know what to expect from a home inspection. Probably does more harm than good.

The author starts with 'what to expect' in the title then deflect to 'what to expect from the major players'. The truth is that this Realtor doesn't honestly know what to expect from an inspection. Even the parts about the major players are wrong.

The only thing he got right is that 'what to expect' is the number one question buyers have when searching for their first inspector.

I've never seen anyone answer it well.


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OK, so it's obviously not the best piece of writing out there. But my question is regarding the statement that the listing agent will also be present along with the buyer's agent. Huh???

I don't know how things are done elsewhere but here the law states that the inspection findings are the property of the buyer. The sellers vacate the home and the seller's agent is never there unless the buyer's agent can't open the home up. Even then, unless specifically instructed to by my buyers I never discuss my findings with the selling agent.

What's normal elsewhere?

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Here in Washington State it's not even legal to allow the buyer's agent to follow along and see what the results of the inspection are. The inspection time is meant for the inspector and the inspector's client to look the house over - nobody else unless the client allows it.



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In my experience, if the sellers agent is present, paranoia is the cause, or they are new and don't know any better. I have, on more than one occasion, politely asked the buyers agent to "go fond something to do" while I educate my client. I really don't mind if they are tagging along so that they learn also(newbies), but if they start to sugar coat my advice and recommendations, that's a different story.

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The comments must be moderated, Brent. The comment count went from 6 to 7, but your post isn't visible.

I must be in a pocket of nirvana around here. The majority of the time, no agent is at the inspection. The buyer's agent is there maybe 25% of the time, and 1-2% of the time the listing agent is there.

Your agent should be standing by your side to walk you through the inspection. Good agents have been through dozens of inspections and know how they work. They should have basic knowledge of what to look for.

This is code-speak for it being the agent's chance for real-time damage control. A chance to "nip it right in the bud", as Barney Fife used to say.

For many reasons, the seller won?t be present during the inspection. But the seller?s listing agent will be front and center as the eyes and ears of the property inspection.

I have no idea what that means.

By this point, the listing agent should be familiar with the property and is there to address anything that comes up.

That wouldn't happen at my inspection. If a listing agent was present and insisted on eavesdropping, I'd make it clear that she has no role in the inspection and I won't be communicating with her.

A good inspector will remain impartial and not be an alarmist, though they will point out things to be addressed.

This goes against the grain, but I am not impartial. The buyer is my client and is the party paying me. My obligation is to that person. I have 'sounded the alarm' when I thought it necessary.

Finally, it?s important to understand why having Uncle Bob on hand during the inspection isn?t necessarily a good idea.

I felt a glimmer of hope before I read the full paragraph. Instead of advising that Uncle Bob be kept away so he doesn't distract the inspector, Uncle Bob is to be banished because of his potential to be a lay person deal killer.

The saddest thing about this article is where I found the link - in a nearby home inspection company's Facebook page post.

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Actually, I thought the article was pretty good. Perhaps it's because I've had inspections in which the client followed every step of the way and was able to get a true perspective of conditions. I've had buyer's agents who are very experienced with inspections and are quite capable to guiding their client through the maze of the report's information. And I've have listing agents who genuinely want things handled fairly between all parties. These are certainly not the typical inspections but when they are encountered they are the best inspections I have.

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