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Au revoir

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Congratulations, Jimmy. I'm happy for you.

When I first started reading this thread, I thought you had finally found a way to make the pornstar thing work out, but I suppose that corresponding for The Globe is a close second.

Be sure to stop by and say hi from time to time. I wish you all the best.

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Remember - that was at Jim's wedding that we did not get invited to. Fabry lounging along the east coast and eatin' caviar! hope caviar is spelt rite.

For appetizers, it was rack of lamb, bacon wrapped scallops and shrimp as I recall. The food was so good that I felt competitive. I tipped the server so heavy she felt compelled to find me every time she brought out a fresh tray. I have a picture of her with my wife. We still correspond.

Makers Mark at the open bar. Still the best wedding food I've ever had.

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Funny stuff. I'm confused by a phrase though, "In the beginning, only male horse-owning residents...

The funniest bit for me is this: He was among several members who spoke of failed plans to bring an actual horse to a meeting.

It's hard enough to find a horse, let alone get it into a restaurant,?

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  • 1 month later...

Yesterday, my 13-year-old son Seamus came home with a poetry assignment. His work is a bit unrefined, but the kid is all heart and it comes through in his work. Anyway, I'm sharing it with his permission because I thought the metaphor in the second line might sound familiar to anyone who read my description of our fearless O'Leader earlier in this thread.

This world is something crazy

A rabid porcupine

Where unimportant, little things

Have taken over lives

It seems what people want is really

Good hair, good face, good clothes

And real, regular, human being

I don't know where it goes

And war, a thing we do too much

BANG! Another man has died from such

A terrible thing that we create

It brings us back to a tribal state

It roars and stomps so loud in fact

The world just stops and stares!

It cannot help itself although

It's citizens beware

But what's this? A light!

Up in the sky, a reassuring one

The human race can help itself

Let this madness be done


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