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Hey Guys,

A million thanks to cousin Mike O, Mike B & Rose, Katen, Hansen, Mitenbuler, Fabry, Kibbel, that oul' cuss Van Alstine, and a 1/2 dozen others who've created and maintained this space where I've learned so much about the process of building and destroying homes over the years. I've taken a whole lot more from this site than I've given.

That's saying a lot since this field is largely what's fed my family for the last 25 years or so.

I am moving on to another gig, but hope that you will stay in touch from time to time.

Be tough on -but also kind to- each other and always, always listen to Katen and Hansen. But mostly Hansen, because Katen will mess with your head every so often just to see if you're paying attention.

Also, call O'Handley once every year. Seriously, I'm dead-****ing serious about that. He can be about as approachable as a syphlytic porcupine on this forum sometimes, but trust me, it mellows him out to hear from his peeps. It's good karma. Connections like this are rare and something to nurture.

Your pal,





Thanks for using (coining?) the phrase "syphilitic porcupine." Now I can say I've heard it all. I'm gonna steal it for future use.

Seriously, though, I hope your departure is due to the fact that you have found something more enjoyable or profitable. (Not because you're tired of defending what you do for a living.) [;)]


Jim: Best of luck in your new life.

"For a long time now I have tried simply to write the best I can. Sometimes I have good luck and write better than I can." (Ernest Hemingway)



the new stuff is way beyond an average man's dream! Other than your support of E******** Wa**** I have agreed with you. I often reflect on your Dad and what he gave to our work and now you. Keep us in mind when you get more rich and famous.


Best of Luck Jimmy! In your spare time you should write a screenplay (comedy) about home inspectors, definitely plenty of material and real life characters for a good stage show or maybe a best selling book!


I've been seriously conflicted over this.

In my home town there used to be a small corner diner where every morning, occasionally during the day, and every evening a bunch of friends would gather for coffee and to shoot the bull. It was a place neutral from wives and kids, free of alcohol and the boorishness that sometimes accompanies too much of that, and heavy on camaraderie.

Year round, even when the snows came down heavy and driving was neigh impossible, we all seemed to find a way to make the one or two mile drive. The pot of coffee was always on. By and by, because he liked the place so much and because the owners wanted to retire, my younger brother bought the business.

Every once in a while one of the group would move away to pursue other interests and passions. We'd be happy for our friend who was moving on to what he considered bigger and better things and goals, while at the same time the group shared a bittersweet sense of loss. One day it was me that moved on - the day I left to enter the Army.

For me, TIJ has always been that corner pub, the little diner if you will, where we can meet on common ground. Each of us has a personal story. Some stories are happy and some are filled with tragedy and pain but we rarely bring those stories through the door here. We try as a group to insulate ourselves from most of that and it's easy to forget that each of us has his or her own dreams and goals outside of this nutty thing that we do to put food on the table.

What Jimmy is doing takes a lot of guts. It's easy to stay safe and secure; knowing that what you do can put food on the table and a roof over your head, even when others are struggling, but it take real courage to step outside of that comfort zone to pursue one's passion. Jimmy has had a dream to be a writer and a journalist. Ya gotta give him props - that's about as far from home inspection as one can get.

I'm greatly saddened that our profession is losing someone so intelligent, who can do so much for this profession and do so honestly; but at the same time I'm extremely proud of him for never abandoning his dreams. Kelli his wife and his boys Seamus and Brendan are very lucky.

You aren't moving away, Cuz; you're just changing jobs. Your stool at the counter will continue to be reserved just for you. Make sure you stop by once in a while and keep us up to date on the family and career; but most of all just to kick back and jaw.


Now, syphlytic porcupine!!! What the hell???!!!!!.........



My best wishes to you and your passion. Like many others I consider myself fortunate to have been able to share and learn from you.

As Mike O. noted ... your stool at the counter will be waiting for your occasional visits and pearls of knowledge.



I'm fortunate that I've got two "corner coffee shops" where I can hang out and shoot the breeze, learn a bit, share a bit and occassionally teach a bit. This is one. The other is a mile or two down the road.

Don't know who said it, but I believe it and am fortunate to have mine: "Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life."

We'll miss you Jimmy. Stop back by every now and then.


Thank you, thank you, thank you, all. I'm leaving the HI biz to become a full-time correspondent for the only newspaper I've ever wanted to write for, The Boston Globe. The tiny little job they offered me is a low-paying inroad to my dream job -that is, my dream job outside of being a rock-n-roll icon.

It's all good and I think the happiest news of all is that my cousin Kevin will continue to carry the Morrison HI banner in a way that would please my Dad greatly.

The down side is that I'm also leaving Boston University, so my wife can no longer brag to her friends that she's sleeping with a college kid.

But I ain't dying, so hang onto my number and email address and if any of ye are ever within striking distance of Boston, give me a shout and we'll get together. Don't be surprised if I do the same when I'm in your town(s)

Your pal,


Recovering home inspector


I wish you the best from a former central mass guy. I look forward to reading your personal column (I have no doubt it will come)-if that clown Howie can do it will be a breeze for you. I look forward to reading your future personal column. Anytime you come up to southern coastal Maine look me up and I will take you out for some great lobster.

John Callan

  Jim Morrison said:

Thank you, thank you, thank you, all. I'm leaving the HI biz to become a full-time correspondent for the only newspaper I've ever wanted to write for, The Boston Globe. The tiny little job they offered me is a low-paying inroad to my dream job -that is, my dream job outside of being a rock-n-roll icon.

It's all good and I think the happiest news of all is that my cousin Kevin will continue to carry the Morrison HI banner in a way that would please my Dad greatly.

The down side is that I'm also leaving Boston University, so my wife can no longer brag to her friends that she's sleeping with a college kid.

But I ain't dying, so hang onto my number and email address and if any of ye are ever within striking distance of Boston, give me a shout and we'll get together. Don't be surprised if I do the same when I'm in your town(s)

Your pal,


Recovering home inspector

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