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Social Media Tutorials


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I attended a social media marketing seminar presented by a Constant Contact representative. It was very informative, and the rep really didn't push Constant Contact. Possibly the best thing I picked up was this Constant Contact site containing social media tutorials.

I need to go beyond utilizing only Facebook. It looks like this is going to help me (or push me) to do it. I thought I'd share it.


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  • 3 months later...

Hi, it's really nice to see that you all have good experience about the Social media marketing. Actually I also have a bit experience about the social media marketing, so I am also agree with you the Facebook and Twitter is the best social sites for local and internal marketing.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...

I have my son looking into social media for me.....mainly Twitter and FB. I am not sure I understand what Linked In is for yet. It seems like it is for people who are looking for a job and that ain't me......yet!

Well think of it as having your resume available to anyone and everyone 24x7.

As a home inspector, you are looking for a new job everyday. I would guess very few buyers go looking for a home inspector by rumaging thru LinkedIn...as their inital search. Once they have googled "home inspection city/state" and narrowed the list down to 2 or 3, they may go looking for more information regarding those specific inspectors. Many home inspector webpages give little information about the inspector. LinkedIn and a BUSINESS Facebook page can provide additional information to help them see you as a full person.

Maybe you have listed community service projects, charities, interests, or hobbies you are involved in that helps then to decide to choose you. Maybe you list you are a member of XYZ board of directors in LinkedIn. XYZ has nothing to do with home inspections but it shows you have are connected to the community, you take on leadership roles, etc.

Kinda like being a member of BBB. Totally useless way of selecting a vendor. To become a BBB member, you pay BBB to be listed. No vetting or selection process other than a good check once a year. But BBB has built a business model that members are better than non-members. Buyers select BBB members because they feel better about selecting a BBB member. If they actually took a minute to find out that BBB is a pay to play organization with little or no requirements to join, they may not rely on it. But people still do.

Having a LinkedIn entry is just one more place for prospective buyers to vet you. Social media is about having a wide and diverse presence online so anyone with the slightest interest can find you. Just make sure that everything is positive and consistent.

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