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Texas TREC Proposed SOP posted at TX Register

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The SOP Sub-Committee has completed their work after two years.

The TREC Commissioners have given initial approval and the new SOP and 7-3 Report Template and related rules have been posted at the Texas Register as of 11/23/12.

This is the public posting of the SOP, Rules & Report Template. Once the posting time has passed and the comments reviewed and changes made the SOP and template will become effective.

According to documents in the public posting the earliest possible adoption date is: 12/23/12.

The link to the State of Texas - Texas Register is below. It is not the easiest reading.

TREC SOP posting at Texas Register

For easier reading I've attached the documents submitted by the SOP Sub-Committee.

Rules for Template

Download Attachment: icon_adobe.gif 112312_TREC-Section535.222-535.223_FormRule.pdf


7-3 Template

Download Attachment: icon_adobe.gif 112312_TREC_7-3_Rprt-Template.pdf



Download Attachment: icon_adobe.gif 112312_TREC_SoP_535.227-535.233.pdf


Below is a link to the TREC website where one can also pull down the PDF files for the relative documents.

There is also an e-mail address at this page where comments can be sent concerning the proposed SOP and 7-3 template.

TREC site with PDF files for proposed SOP & 7-3 Form

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So much effort is expended at creating a better SOP yet the various states regulating HI's still individually grope about trying to arrive at one, without even a decent consensus among them.


Not sure what you're saying. Are you talking about regulated states coming up with one identical SOP?

Care to expand/clarify your thoughts there a little bit?



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I like the "Optional Systems" SoP's section.

Honestly, the TX SOP's are really not that much different than the SOP's I work under in TN or those that are being used in many other States. I have always thought that the inspection template that is required makes for a good checklist to make sure everything has been covered but it should not be used as a standalone report, it needs to be attached to a more in depth report.

When you get down to just about every single home inspector SOP that is being used whether it is a State or Association SoP they are all like kissing cousins! They have been morphed from older ASHI SoP's with some minor regional tweaks and modifications to make their authors happy. Even in my state they did not want to use an association SoP(to show no bias to one group) so they chose to use the NC SoP with some modifications! Guess where the NC SoP came from? Yep, it is an older ASHI SoP with some modifications!

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We're all in the same profession, doing the same work. So why do SOP's vary so much among the states? It shows we still haven't come up with the right yardstick by which to measure a home inspection. If we did, we'd all arrive at roughly the same SOP. Some states would choose to be more stringent and carry the process a little further, but it'd be just an extension of the same SOP.

Also, SOP's should take advantage of all the quality work that the EBPHI has done and harmonize SOP minimum requirements according to what the EBPHI's surveys have revealed, with consideration given to regional climates.

There's nothing wrong with an SOP giving mild specs for reporting style. The courts do it. The upper echelon at TIJ seems to have a general consensus on style (I seriously doubt Nolan has much love for check boxes though I'll let him speak for himself). That would improve an SOP - and the profession.

Mike, I'm aware of the difficulty in getting a bunch of Board members to agree on something. I've presented before, with no luck. It's okay to dream.


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Marc is right ... I'm not in love with the I, NI, NP, D checkboxes ... but trying to get the TREC Commission (all are agents, brokers with NO inspectors) love 'em.

The SOP sub-committee tried to eliminate two of the checkboxes over the past two years of work with multiple presentations, but the Commission would not have it. In fact TREC Staff (IE: Legal) wanted to add TWO (YES ... 2 more) checkboxes to the 4 that were there.

Thank goodness that didn't fly. Some of the other language that TREC Staff 'suggested' this past summer was absolutely nuts. Thank goodness that didn't also fly.

An update on timing from my OP:

The Texas Register posting is now only 30-days (instead of the 60-days in time past) ... thus the 12/23/12 date in the posting.

The TREC Commission will review the comments at their 02/11/13 meeting and will possibly give final approval.

Effective date (if the TREC Commission approves) will likely be in March-2013.

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