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Happy Thanksgiving ya bad bastids!

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First of all, we should all be thankful there's an industry like this to employ us, because that fact alone defies explanation.

After that, I think we all owe a debt of gratitude to Mike O'Handley as well as silent partners Mike & Rose, for creating this online Island of Misfit Toys for us all to haze and support each other.

Hope you all feast with friends or family tomorrow. I am brining my bird as you read these words. My secret stuffing is done and awaiting the oven.


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We give thanks around the table each year for our freedom and for our ability to work and pray as we see fit. We give thanks also to the men and women who sacrifice to keep us free. And finally, thanks to our family of inspectors who give freely of their wisdom and experience so others may learn to be better. Happy Thanksgiving.

Now, let's pig out.

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Thanks, All; but the truth is that it is all of you that make this site what it is. Over the past decade, boners that I have committed have almost resulted in the closure of this site lots of times. If it weren't for the fact that you all kept on coming TIJ probably would have been history long ago.

I'm thankful for the second family I've found at TIJ.

Hope you all had a great day.



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