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Friggin Rain, Rain, Rain and, Oh Yeah, more RAIN!

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2 inches of rain today broke a record set in 1953 of 1.2 inches or something like that.

Flooding everywhere - places are flooding here today that have never flooded before.


It rained right up into July. I was bitching about it in early July. Then it stopped for 80+ days and everyone complained about the lack of rain.

Then it started again, except this time it's worse than it was last year.

It's like we went from winter rains right to summer without a spring and right back to winter again without a fall.

I think there's moss growing on the glass of the windows fer crissake!

I'm so sick of it I'm ready to move. The Korean Connection says no way, she like it here. It's never too hot in summer and never too cold in winter. I'm stuck here, I guess.



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This might be a new record for November 19th in particular but not close to the Seattle record of 5.02 inches, Oct 20th, 2003. THAT was rain! I have to agree, somewhat. It gets old real quick, especially as we know we have 4 to 5 months of this ahead of us. I look forward to a freeze and snow. It's inconvenient, but at least it's a break from the wet stuff.

I try to make the most of it. Today, I got dressed up and had child-like fun busting the leaf dams in our street gutters. Dog got very wet on our walk, but he seems to be waterproof.

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Woof! Pouring rain and 40 mph gusts. Not Hurricane Sandy, for sure, but not ideal weather for inspecting either. Waterproof coat and a raincoat on top and the rain still soaked into my marrow.

Yeah, the K.C. just about had a hissy fit when I went up on that roof today. It was blowing and coming down cats and dogs. It was worth it. I found a roof anchor cover off and water intrusion in the attic.

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Yeah, the K.C. just about had a hissy fit when I went up on that roof today. It was blowing and coming down cats and dogs. It was worth it. I found a roof anchor cover off and water intrusion in the attic.

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Another way to look at it is that it *wasn't* worth it because you would have found that problem from the attic anyway.

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Yeah, the K.C. just about had a hissy fit when I went up on that roof today. It was blowing and coming down cats and dogs. It was worth it. I found a roof anchor cover off and water intrusion in the attic.

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Another way to look at it is that it *wasn't* worth it because you would have found that problem from the attic anyway.

But it took exactly three seconds to pick it up and put it back in place so that the leak was stopped while I was up there.

I took before and after pictures in order to make him understand what it was all about and told him he needs to check those every once in a while to ensure the covers are on them lest they leak. The picture from the attic was the icing on the cake.

By the time he saw the attic photo he had already seen the exterior photos. He's now got a very clear understanding of why it is so important. If it had been a dry day and it hadn't leaked yet, he might have figured it wasn't that big a deal.



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