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Sandy cleanup

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So far, it looks like everyone did a great job preparing for this.

I hope the worst is over, but I fear as the days go by without electricity, food, water, and people wearing out from long hours, it may not be.

Let's hope everyone affected has learned from what they've seen happen in the past, and can draw from that to be patient, and ride it out.

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I was just listening to a weather expert on the tube. He says this is bad but it's not something that was unexpected; at least not by the weather gurus. Apparently, this is a cycle, and that the last time this cycle hit the New York - New England area this bad was a string of hurricane seasons in the 50's that were particularly destructive. He said that it seems really bad to most of us now because we mostly don't have a memory of what the northeast went through in the 50's but he said it is probably not that surprising to those who lived through them before.

He opined that this pattern will continue for some years before it abates. He said that they are able to use computers now to pretty much predict when and where these kind of cycles will hit again; but, unfortunately, don't have any way to prevent them.

If he is right. This is going to happen again and again for years before it tapers off.



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All true, except the tapering off part. There isn't any way to predict ocean current subduction or accompanying weather events.

If one believes global warming (I do), it's going to increase.

The human race is going to get a crash course in the next 30 years about where and how cities should be built. (hint....it's important to consider things like weather, sea level, and global temperature fluctuation.)

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You know,

We are down to less than two months to December 21st. Maybe the Mayans were right? Suppose I should start doing stretching exercises now so that I can put my head between my legs and kiss my arse goodbye on December 21st. [:-bigeyes

Watch your rich influential neighbors, everyone. If they start selling crap off and start packing for a trip on December 20th they might be headed for the mountains in China or somewhere to climb on an ark. [:-jester]



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