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Useless(?) camera trick.

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Got yet another relatively cheap camera to replace one that seems to have lost the ability to focus reliably. Hmmm...why does that sound familiar? [:-spin] Anyway, I decided to go small this time, all the easier to carry it around in a pocket. After some research I ended up with a factory refurbished Canon ELPH 310. It's about 80% the size of my iPhone and almost as thin.

The auto point and shoot setting works great for HI stuff from macro to house beauty shot. Only a 8x optical zoom, but I can live with that. In P-mode there are a few in-camera tricks that I haven't seen before and most of which I'll probably never use. One, call "color accent" did intrigue me enough to try it out on my morning dog walk. You can zoom in on a color, pick it, and then take photos with everything else monochrome. I tried pumpkin orange for the first one and then the tree red (with range expanded a bit) for the second. I'm not sure this has any use at all...but kinda cool.

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