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Pre-inspection agreements

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Anyone want to share his/her/their inspection agreement with the group. I may want to make a couple of "adjustments" to ours.

We just had our first "claim" against our work...however, the plaintiff decided to take us to small claims court. Our agreement expressly requires all claims proceed through 1. mediation and 2. failing mediation, than binding arbitration. The circuit judge had the gall to dismiss our Petiton to Compel Arbitration. Not looking forward to wasting my time at a worthless trial.

Not sure why we have agreements if they are disregarded without sensible reason.

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http://www.prwebworks.com/rainspect/fil ... eement.pdf

Also a slightly amended one for Condos at http://www.prwebworks.com/rainspect/fil ... eement.pdf

Note that mine is also an almalgamation of others that I found. My insurance company is OK with it, but it has NOT had any lawyer's input.

I'm not sure that any of these agreements are worth the paper they're printed on if it came to an actual court case, but they might slow down the casual suer.

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Thanks to the responders...I thought our agreement was airtight - guess I was wrong. I had an attorney friend (back from the high school days) help develop it. He was befuddled as well after the judge's decision.

Life goes on.

Check out the WSOP - Steve Dannenmann (a guy I have played some basement tables with) is kicking some ass. He went into today (fifth day) w/$2+ mil in chips - good enuff for 4th of 50 somethin players. Good luck Steve.

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