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Email from Google. You have to be invited to try it by someone that has it. I have 49 invites left.

There's 2 gig of online data storage with each account so you never have to delete mail. The mail data base is searchable ala Google style so you don't really even need folders because you can search all your email by sender or date received, or by words or phrases.

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Originally posted by Chad Fabry

Email from Google. You have to be invited to try it by someone that has it. I have 49 invites left.

There's 2 gig of online data storage with each account so you never have to delete mail. The mail data base is searchable ala Google style so you don't really even need folders because you can search all your email by sender or date received, or by words or phrases.

Actually, I think the data storage continues to grow as the user membership builds. Google email is leaps and bounds ahead of anything available.

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Well, I have several Gmail accounts. I guess they will be clashing with my Soldier Of Fortune subscriptions!

I went and read the article at the first link and just skimmed over it. I found many things that weren't true. This article looks like one of those half conspiracy theory/half sour grapes articles. Of course, they want you to use Scroogle. Funny how they're trying to siphon off google users to their own search engine.

If this writer really knew how Google worked, then he'd know you can not buy PageRanks. PageRanks (the program) comes with the Google toolbar. That's free. A webmaster cannot pay for his site to receive a higher PageRank in the listings.

As an advertiser, I like Google. I've found it to be much more effective than Overture. They offer several ways to target your market. Sure, their relativity rankings may get off once in a while, but it's better than anything out there right now. I've played around with the ads in my Gmail box and find that they don't always return relevant searches but the majority of the time the searches are dead on.

It all comes back to this. Don't put anything you wouldn't want anyone to know on the internet. I think I'll stick to watching the X-Files.

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I have no idea about the 180 day thing.

Sending an email to trash or deleting all the messages in the trash folder is as simple as my other web based email accounts. For an email, simply choose "send to trash" from the pull down menu and the email is in the trash. When I want to delete my trash folder, all I do is choose "select all" and then click on the "delete forever" button. Pretty simple stuff.

In the Spam folder, there is a notice at the top that says "spam messages older than 30 days will automatically be deleted"

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