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angry seller

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On the return trip to pick up the radon, the seller confronted me. He asked me a few questions before he contentiously ordered me out of his house and slammed the door behind me.

He questioned me about typical small stuff like attic hatch insulation and non graspable handrail at the exterior deck steps.

He did not question me on the more significant items. I wonder why. I've not had a confrontation like this before. I'm glad it ended quick. I think he realized if I wasn't going to back down on the small stuff, no use in talking about the bigger stuff.

I suppose I should not have spoke to him at all.

What are the polite words that you say to avoid these confrontations?

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I'd start with.....

"Excuse me, may I collect my radon equipment? Thank you."


"Well, let me get my equipment and then we can talk. OK, now I've got my equipment, I'm going to put it into my truck."


"Thank you, good bye." .....soft sound of truck receding into the distance.....

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I've had phone complaints and I'm happy to go over items they have questions about and why I reported what I did.

If it was face to face and the owner seemed visibly angry I would take Kurt's route and try to get out as quickly as possible in the politest of fashions. I'd say I wanted to look over the report and be insistent that they should contact me by phone.

Some people (certain sellers and REA's) will never understand what it is we do for a living.

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Happens a couple times a month. I simply tell them I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed by to discuss the report with them. They usually just stomp off.

Kinda of a drift, but I had a listing agent call me a week after I looked at a house wanting a copy of the report. I told her that wasn't going to happen, she then tried to bribe me into selling her a copy. Again, not gonna happen... Like Mike says, they just don't get it.

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I will always say it is confidential info. I always tell my client while they are signing that I will not share this info without their prior consent. So that is the speil for the angry seller, too.

Then there's this one. "Don't worry, your house will sell." That sort of deflates them sometimes.

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The funny thing is sometimes when the seller is angry because you were so picky you end up getting a call when they are buying their next home and ask that you be picky for them.

Yep. I had a booking that went along the lines of...

"Hi, I'm xxxxx. I was the seller of the house at xxxxx that you trashed last month."

"Ummm, I'm not sure I trashed it, but OK, how can I help you?"

"Well, I'm buying this house at xxxxx, and I want you to inspect it. Maybe you can get me some of the money back that you cost me."

He turned out to be be a nice guy hiding behind a crusty exterior.

To be fair, I doubt that many of us would be all joy and happiness after reading another inspector's report on our own homes.

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Do 'em for sellers all the time.

Here in Wasington, I'd just tell him/her that state law forbids me to disclose report facts to anyone other than the client without the client's permission. I'd tell 'em, "Have my client give me a call and give me permission to discuss the report finding with you and I'll be happy to do so. Just call me during normal office hours; here's my number," and give 'em a card.

The likelihood of him/her calling to rant is probably slim to none; but it does get my phone number into his hands and I know he's in the market....so.



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I feel neglected and left out. I can't remember the last time I got one of those rant calls or meetings.

Though I do get the "You inspected the house we're selling and now we want you to inspect the one we're buying." calls.

Guess I'll just have to be happy with that.

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I think I've only been chewed on once by a seller. About 4 years ago. From a town about 80 miles away that we consider the "Twilight Zone". Started out real nice making sure I was the guy who wrote the report then asked if I had good insurance cause "He was going to sue me". His friend was with him who was a home inspector in some other state. I didn't know what I was talking about. Those bellows drains are made for that purpose, etc. I listened for 30 minutes and calming stated what was and wasn't true. Click, and he was gone. Even a frivolous small claims court deal is a waste of time.

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I've adjusted my efforts to try and set the radon tests up prior to the inspection. Then, conclude at the inspection and ride into the sunset.

Good idea.

This is a review of my work published on Angie's List. I have not responded to it yet. It's so goofy I'm not sure I should. Keep in mind I never worked for this guy. He is the seller. There are all sorts of omissions and issues he conveniently leaves out. The quotes he attributes to me are misconstrued and totally self serving.

I was on time and still got an F for punctuality.

" Absolutely awful. Original inspection was done and then the buyer wanted to do a re-inspection prior to closing. Re-inspection fee was $250 FOR ONE HOUR. After our inspector spoke with him to get the goofy stuff settled out (seriously, put a sill flashing along an exterior sliding door?) it was time for the jam-job re-inspection. He said there was no hot water to the washing machine and then admitted at the $250 re-inspection that "he didn't know how to turn it on". Also said there was no flashing on the roof (new roof) so I had to have the roofer take 3 hours out of his day to meet him at the property only for him to proclaim "I guess I missed that!". He also indicated on his report that the roof was "2-3 years old" (we put in on 5 months ago). The topper was that the water main had to be dropped to 36" (it was at 33") because of frost! The water main was on the house for 50 years and never had a problem.If you NEVER want to buy a house hire him. He'll tell you it's about to fall down and come up with a list of "fixes" for the seller (I should have known better) that will never get a deal done.We renovate properties for a living. We don't flip or even do rehabs, we do high-end reonvations that are always at the top of the market. If you're selling find out who their home inspector is and then "seller beware"."

Overall F

Price F

Quality F

Responsiveness F

Punctuality F

Professionalism F

I sent this along to my client and she was "disgusted" with this guy and said she would write her own review. She never did.

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I'd call Angie's List and ask them if it's their policy to let someone write a review when they didn't hire you. That sort of "review" would water down the legitimacy of their list/ product. Clearly there is a conflict of interest here since the reviewer is selling the home you inspected, and you -- by simply doing your job -- inadvertently cost them some money and ticked them off. The review isn't legitimate. Maybe they will agree to remove it.

If not I vote with Kurt.

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I received this from AL today.

Thank you for your inquiry.

In reviewing this review, you are correct. This member is upset because the buyer used your services and they did not turn out how they wanted/expected. If the seller would have specifically hired you, not the buyer, this review would be legitimate.

I have brought this situation to our Data Departments attention. They will contact this member and advise of our reporting policy, and this review will be removed shortly.

This gentleman agreed to pay the re-inspection fee. I don't know why. Of course, I have an agreement stating clearly who my client was. He may have thought I was now working for him.

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