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choice agent, I lost it.

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Mountain cabin, nice place.

Thought this nonsense had been purged here in WA

Second inspection for this particular clients, they called me to setup inspection.

Agent told clients said she had her 'list' of inspectors and they should use one of her inspectors as she had checked them out... (she was duel agent on this home, on market a couple years)

She told me right away all her inspectors routinely send preinspection paperwork to her (to give to clients) and then sent report to her and she would pass it on to clients.... (in other words all info goes through her) I told her that is not the way I do things as my contract is with my clients not her and I wouldn't give anything to her w/o clients permission...

Agent insisted home had been inspected a year ago and all problems fixed.

I found:

Generator backfeed main panel no lockout

Shop sub, 4 wire, neutrals and grounds bonded

no clamp on bottom of disposal

no hearth extension at wood burning freestanding stove

no anti tip on range

lack of smoke alarms, no CO monitors (propane furnace)

Agent would make snide remarks and countered everything I said, she finally said she was a RE Broker and held 6 licenses with insurance companies. and She had never heard of these items....hmmmmm

Finally after having all I could stand I told her she should really have inspectors that worked for clients instead of her. Clients cracked up, she didn't.

I apologized later to my clients later for my outburst, that is when they told me about her inspector list and how she tried to steer them that way.

They are out there, just had not run into one this blatant. I feel this agents pain not being able to protect her (interests) clients from those evil inspectors...

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Hi Jerry,

I recommend you send Dept. of Licensing Real Estate Division a letter complaining about the agent's attempts to marginalize you with the client and attempted interference with the inspection. At the least it's liable to get her some kind of an admonishment that it sounds like she sorely deserves.

The next time you get her or someone like her try this; say something like,

"Jeez, will you give it a rest already! I'm trying to work here and you're distracting me. Don't you have any appointments for showings to make, or a paperback book to read, or maybe at least you could go out in your car and listen to the radio while the rest of us get this inspection done distraction free? Thanks, I appreciate your cooperation.

Don't let 'em buffalo you with the, "I can't leave. I've legally got to be here in the house when you're here," 'cuz that's a lie. There isn't any requirement in law for them to remain there - not in real estate law and not in home inspection law - that's a northwest multiple thing and it's bogus.

Good job!



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