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Daryn Weatherman - Tempered or Non-Tempered, Which

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When choosing tempered glass over non-tempered glass you will not lose any clarity. Tempered glass is just as clear as non-tempered glass. If a piece of tempered glass appears rough or feels rough, it is because the glass was not properly treated. A properly treated piece of tempered glass will have the same smooth feel and clarity as untreated glass. In most cases it is hard to tell simply by looking, which piece of glass has been tempered. To ensure that you are purchasing a piece of tempered glass, you should look for the mandatory tempered glass stamp that is applied to every piece of tempered glass. This seal can be found on all of the tempered glass that is used.

(Post edited to remove dropped link - Tsk, Tsk. Contribute to the dialog here and we'll leave your link. Continue to drop links and you'll see your profile locked - Ed.)

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