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I need some content

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After almost 3 years of producing a newsletter on a monthly basis, I'm running out of ideas and stories. (okay, I really lapsed last year and it only went out a few times, however I'm back to trying to keep it rolling every month now)

It's a free newsletter I send out to people who've signed up for it on my website. Most are former clients, however I have about 2000 subscribers now and I know all are not past Clients.

I figured you guys are worth a few stories and articles. This gig doesn't pay, but I will give you the credit along with a link to your website and company info. I don't care where you live.

I'm looking for articles, tips or ideas for homeowners. I'll also take some war stories (like a buddy of mine who was struck in the face by a cottonmouth while in the crawlspace). I can't promise you what month I'll run your piece, but I'll email you a copy of the newsletter when I put your articles in it. There's space for one picture if you want to send one along with the piece.

You can email me at: donald@best2inspect.com

Thanks to everyone,

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Originally posted by Brian G.

Originally posted by Jim Katen

Add a sex advice column.

Come on Jim...something Donald knows about.

Brian G.

Can't Help It....Just a Reflex [:D][:-dev3][:D]

Daaaamut' A guy leaves for a week of R&R and this is what he returns to?? [:-brokenh

Erby and Jimmy, thanks for the offers, I think I'll take you up on those.

Jim, thanks for the advice, I'll see if Brian "Squeal like a Pig" Goodman will Ghost Write 'em for me. Here tell he has some "purty" lips. [:-dev3] [:D]

Now all I need is a pic of that banjo boy!

Thanks everyone!

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Originally posted by Donald Lawson

....I'll see if Brian "Squeal like a Pig" Goodman will Ghost Write 'em for me. Here tell he has some "purty" lips.

Man...that's cold Don. [:-cold] [:D]

(Actually it was "purty mouth" in the movie)

Brian G.

I Wonder If Bill Said That to Monica? [-crzwom]

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