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In our area last fall some people got lost in a corn maze and dialed 911! They had to be rescued.

Must been city folks.

This actually happens every year. Two years ago, a family spent hours lost in a cornfield. Night came, they panicked and set up a bivouac to ride it out. Only after the vendor discovered there were still people out there did a search party "rescue" them.

Unaware, apparently, that they could simply push through the corn in any direction to get out.

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In our area last fall some people got lost in a corn maze and dialed 911! They had to be rescued.

If that's the one I remember, I'm pretty sure it was a small maze and you could see the barn!

I thought the the same as Kurt. Pick a direction and go. Problem is, most folks panic in situations like that and even if they don't, tend to walk in big circles without knowing it.

I once ended up on my own snowshoe tracks twice while walking out of a piece I've hunted for years and know every square inch of, before I figured it out.

I can see how the stick family from the mini van window might end up eating corn for a few days.

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