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Somebody's gotta do it.

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I don't see a problem. He has raised awareness, and we can work with that.

He is no threat to any HI who does a decent job, IMO. If you miss a loose door knob, Big Mike isn't going to come charging in to make it right. [:)]

There seems to be a real problem of sloppy work and lazy inspectors in his area, Guelph and Toronto burbs, Ontario. One house had a second storey wing addition sitting on a wood deck that was built wrong that was supported by a concrete deck that was held up by rotten wooden posts. The HI said it was all good according to the TV story.

The termite house was another example. It was obvious at the door frames that there was termite damage, but the HI ignored or missed it. The basic elements of the stories are supplied by inspectors who screwed up or lack proper training.

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I have yet to see Mike Holmes do a 'non-invasive' home inspection. What he does is a contractors inspection. He is a contractor. He has permission from the property owner to tear down walls and ceilings to specify the extent of repairs needed for a previously identified problem.

That's the catch. The problem was already identified, and probably not by him. Every industry has people who like to badmouth their predecessor to make themselves look good. Mike Holmes is no exception.

As long as people are allowed to believe he does a non-invasive 'home inspection' for a real estate transaction they are going to continue to be wary of this industry.

Simply put, what he pretends to do on that show is entirely different from what we do. It is entirely scripted and choreographed.

"Reality TV" is a euphemism for fantasy-make-believe. Call it what it is.

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It's an unadulterated, 'public invited' HI bashing fest at Holmes, Inc.

He's public enemy #1 AFAIC. The gloves are off. It's open season.


This isn't about him, Marc. It is about educating him and the people who watch his show.

Public enemy #1 is anyone who thrives from the back door arrangements that post addresses. Public enemy #1 is every inspector who cares more about their next agent referral, than the client they're hired to work for. Those people are the ones who spread doubt and give the rest of us a black eye. They're the ones who encourage the continuance of business as usual and the good old boys network.

I posted this here to make it easier for those who wanted to post comments and likes to that page. Some knew it was coming, some didn't.

Please use it. Every hit it gets will make a difference and help spread it to friends of friends.

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The problem was already identified, and probably not by him. Every industry has people who like to badmouth their predecessor to make themselves look good. Mike Holmes is no exception.


Simply put, what he pretends to do on that show is entirely different from what we do. It is entirely scripted and choreographed.

"Reality TV" is a euphemism for fantasy-make-believe. Call it what it is.

Yep again.

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I think what you wrote is super, Gary. I'm curious about whether Holmes or one of his representatives will respond. If not, I'll post something outrageous that he'll want to delete, and which will make him pore over other posts to look for something similarly wacky.

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I think what you wrote is super, Gary. I'm curious about whether Holmes or one of his representatives will respond. If not, I'll post something outrageous that he'll want to delete, and which will make him pore over other posts to look for something similarly wacky.

Unless it is moderated and doesn't post until they approve it, in which case it will go into the nether.



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I think what you wrote is super, Gary. I'm curious about whether Holmes or one of his representatives will respond. If not, I'll post something outrageous that he'll want to delete, and which will make him pore over other posts to look for something similarly wacky.

Unless it is moderated and doesn't post until they approve it, in which case it will go into the nether.



Facebook doesn't work that way. Unless something has changed that I am not aware of, you can either allow folks to write on your wall, or not, but they don't have a "waiting approval feature". Of coarse they can always delete it if they want.

Most likely anything that gets written good or bad will only be around a few hours, then it gets lost with the new stuff. Tis' really easy to draw attention away from the negative these days, just post new shiny stuff. People love shiny stuff.

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Six days later, and people are still reading and hitting likes on not only my post, but also the posts others put up. That is exactly what I was looking for. In that six days, there's been only one post to that page that wasn't tied to this subject. A thousand or more people may have seen these by now. Nobody's going to pull the posts. It will be a while before they get buried.

Little by little, friends, friends of friends, and anyone who happens to visit on their own, are getting the message. All thanks to a guy who poses as an inspector and put up a page for his thousands of followers to see. Thank you, Sir! I wish many new viewers to your page.

Change happens slowly. It comes quicker when you use the right tools. The good guys work way too hard at this to be treated like vendors and allow the businesses they own to be controlled by someone whose training and dedication pales in comparison.

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Gary, are we certain this is the "official" page for Holmes and/or his people? If so, it seems like someone would have replied by now. The purpose of the page is to generate buzz and interest, so it would be in the best interest of the Holmes peeps to engage.

That . . . or maybe he just doesn't give a flying f**k.

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Gary, are we certain this is the "official" page for Holmes and/or his people? If so, it seems like someone would have replied by now. The purpose of the page is to generate buzz and interest, so it would be in the best interest of the Holmes peeps to engage.

That . . . or maybe he just doesn't give a flying f**k.

I triple checked it. That's it.

Likely, he just doesn't give a flying f**k

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