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Dear fellow inspectors,

If you needed to replace (or for some of you buy new) your SureTest 61-165 or your SureTest 61-058, Ideal Industries have an excellent promotion for the month of June (It may run through July, I just can't remember) to offer $25-$50 rebate in the form of an American Express Gift Certificate.

I received a "niffty" belt clip Holder for the 61-058 and the gift certificate with a signed letter from the vp of the corp. I was very impressed with the letter and the promotion and thought I would share it with all of you!!!

The link is:

http://www.idealindustries.com/idealpro ... otions.htm

All thats needed is a copy of your reciept and the downloadable form (in a PDF Format) and mail it in. It was less than a week for the holder and a few more days for the AMX certficate and letter. I could'nt be more happier to save a few bucks on equipment and get a nice holder....enjoy.[:-graduat


Has anyone with experience of the 154/155 tried the 165? Is it that much better? Given that I'm examining the panel, do I really need to check at the receptacle for shared neutrals on AFCI circuits? I've already got a 154 and two 155s and would need a very good reason to upgrade.


As far as making a recommendation..... I'd say it would depend on your electrical background.

I have enough fluke and simpson meters laying around from my previous corporate career that the 61-058 was right up my ally for convienance, ease of use and practicallity. If I really have to check for Hertz generation or dirty power I can run back to the truck easy enough or recommend (in the report) a Licenced Electrician for further investigation. [^]


Maybe a little thread drift (sorry) but I'm not all that thrilled with my 61-155. Had it about a year and a half, and it is giving me "phantom readings". Usually "Error-No Ground" comes up, and when I re-test, it tests OK. I've pretty much retired it since last week, and am using my "nite-light" tester until I decide what to go with next.

Originally posted by chrisprickett

Maybe a little thread drift (sorry) but I'm not all that thrilled with my 61-155. Had it about a year and a half, and it is giving me "phantom readings". Usually "Error-No Ground" comes up, and when I re-test, it tests OK. I've pretty much retired it since last week, and am using my "nite-light" tester until I decide what to go with next.

I've been hearing lots of complaints about Suretest equipment lately. They seemed to start a few years ago about the time that Suretest was taken over by FPE.

- Jim Katen, Oregon

Originally posted by hausdok

Hi Jim,

FPE? Don't you mean Ideal Industries?

OT - OF!!!


Well, it was an attempt at humor. I guess it was unsuccessful.

It was after Ideal took over that we started hearing about these units overheating, smoking and giving erratic readings on the same receptacle from one minute to the next. Kinda reminded me of FPE.

Does that explanation make it seem more humorous?

- Jim Katen, Oregon


My inspector is having the same problem with his SureTest. When using the cord, it gives hime the "No Ground" message. I told him that I thought it was the cord. On my old ST-1D, the ground prong came loose after about 6 months. Not loose enough where I noticed it, but loose enough to where it would not read correctly.

I wrote up every outlet in a house for having no grounds one day and then just before leaving, I tried my night light. Had to go back and test them without the cord and all were okay.

After my inspector having trouble with his 61-155, I refused to buy a new one and now just scan ebay for an old ST-1D.

Originally posted by Donald Lawson

My inspector is having the same problem with his SureTest. When using the cord, it gives hime the "No Ground" message. I told him that I thought it was the cord. On my old ST-1D, the ground prong came loose after about 6 months. Not loose enough where I noticed it, but loose enough to where it would not read correctly.

I wrote up every outlet in a house for having no grounds one day and then just before leaving, I tried my night light. Had to go back and test them without the cord and all were okay.

After my inspector having trouble with his 61-155, I refused to buy a new one and now just scan ebay for an old ST-1D.

I'm on my second cord, this one is only about 4 months old.

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