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Coming of age

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You're just more experienced. When I first got into the gig I used to drive by the next day's job to get a preview of what I'd be facing - even if it was 30 miles away. Now I don't sweat it.

The only thing I need to know these days is the name of the client, address and a phone number to reach the client or the agent if I can't find the place. I've got what I need in/on my vehicle and I've got the experience under my belt to handle just about anything this job will hand me. No need to fret anymore.



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I do think in advance about some things on certain inspections still. For instance, I'm going into Baltimore City today. I'm thinking two things;

1) where will I park?

2) how am I going to get on the roof?

How many other guys here do HI's on Sunday?


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I do think in advance about some things on certain inspections still. For instance, I'm going into Baltimore City today. I'm thinking two things;

1) where will I park?

2) how am I going to get on the roof?

How many other guys here do HI's on Sunday?


Not me... Heck, I might only work 1 or 2 Saturdays a year at best! I have found that by only working M-F, I do not get burned out like I did my first few years in this profession when I did work on Saturdays.

In the grand scheme of things it's just not that important to me that I'm willing and able to work weekends. Life has much more to offer if you just slow the pace and look at the landscape a little more.

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When I started 16 years ago I decided I wasn't going to do evenings or week end inspections, stuck to that until one time an agent called and more less begged and pleaded for a Saturday morning inspection, I gave in and scheduled the inspection. That was the only call I ever got from that agent which told me whoever they normally called either was out of town or didn't want week end inspection, since then I have continued to decline week end requests.

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. . . How many other guys here do HI's on Sunday?

I'm available 7 days a week. (I'd rather work 7 days straight than do 2 inspections on any one day.) I like to take a day or two off every week or so, but it doesn't matter which one it is.

The kids are all moved out, my wife works full time, but from home, and the day that we arbitrarily call "Sunday" has no special significance for me from a religious or social perspective.

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The only weekend inspection I'll do anymore is Saturday morning and then only if specifically asked if I'm available on Saturday. I use to do an occasional Sunday inspections, but not anymore. Like Scott said I get burned out. I do still drop-off / pick up radon equipment 7 days a week as needed and do other business related stuff on the weekends ? but not to much inspecting.

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I'll do any day of the week IF you pay me enough.

That's one of the joys of this thing we do. I (and only I) decide what days I want to work and what days I don't.

Fishing (or anything else I want to do) is kind of nice when everybody else is at work.

If I want to take Wednesday off and work on Sunday, so be it.


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Sunday is a regularly offered HI workday for me and I'm working most of them. With a full time job occupying 5 days, Fridays and Sundays are the only two full days I have for HI work.

I try to schedule Fridays and Sundays for bigger jobs, especially ones with more travel distance. The other weekdays I sprinkle with smaller stuff at usually a 4 or 4:30 pm start. It works fine in the summer months with longer daylight but I get significantly limited when daylight savings time kicks in around fall.

Even though I never do more than one inspection on any day, I'm having my best year yet. I'm almost double in income at this point compared to any other year.

Many clients jump on the chance to do Sunday inspections. For some it means they don't have to take off work for the inspection.

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I'll do any day of the week IF you pay me enough.

That's one of the joys of this thing we do. I (and only I) decide what days I want to work and what days I don't.

Fishing (or anything else I want to do) is kind of nice when everybody else is at work.

If I want to take Wednesday off and work on Sunday, so be it.


I'm with Erby on most of that. I really like the relative peace of weekdays for "weekend" activities. Of course I also have very odd sleeping habits and will often grocery shop at 3:00am. About the only thing that dictates if I work on a weekend or not is SWMBO and whether she has other plans for me.

Except, I don't charge extra. If a day isn't particularly special to me, why would I charge a special price? And if a person was religious, wouldn't it be wrong to make a few extra bucks just because they worked on the big guy's day off? It almost seems like you should charge a less as a penance.

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I don't do Saturdays or Sundays and I'm off by 12:00 on Fridays. I also own a pest control company (6 employees) and they follow the same schedule. They love the off at noon on Fridays. Friday afternoon is typically my golf time. Leaves the weekend open for family.

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