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Attention Richard Moore: New Playtoy Available

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Well, you could buy your own island up in the San Juans, declare independence from the US and use it as your own private navy to keep away those folks you don't want to socialize with. Call it Mooreway or Mooreatania and charge boats travelling through your territorial waters a passage fee.



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Well, you could buy your own island up in the San Juans, declare independence from the US and use it as your own private navy to keep away those folks you don't want to socialize with. Call it Mooreway or Mooreatania and charge boats travelling through your territorial waters a passage fee.

Or call it the Grand Duchy of Moorewick, declare war against the USA, surrender, and apply for foreign aid. . .

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Well, you could buy your own island up in the San Juans, declare independence from the US and use it as your own private navy to keep away those folks you don't want to socialize with. Call it Mooreway or Mooreatania and charge boats travelling through your territorial waters a passage fee.



I LIKE IT! I'm gonna go with Mooritania. Just west of the San Juans, in Canadian waters, lies James Island. And it's for sale!

Future Mooritania

Can I get 75 million TIJ readers to send me a buck each? Better make that 100 million as I suspect that upkeep is a bitch. In return, I will be a benevolent monarch and allow free passage to all, Yankees and Canucks.

I'm working on a flag for my new dog-friendly country (with a nod to my heritage). Whadya think?

Download Attachment: icon_photo.gif Mooritania.jpg


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Richard, if you buy that battleship, you won't need to buy an island. Just run it aground in Canadian waters. Declare bankruptcy. Nobody will take responsibility for getting rid of it. There's a food bank in Sidney, and they all love dogs. [:)]

The British ensign on a yellow background. We'll keep a weather eye peeled for it. Aaaarrr!

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