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This is something Tom wrote in another thread, but I thought is was appropriate for this thread.

"............That's an awful lot of imbeciles in one place.

(Tom Raymond)

Clear Creek Home Inspection, Collins, NY"

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I think there's an amazing array of hidden talents at TIJ.

What's the little box thingy down in the left corner? Almost looks like a judging stamp. Did you put it in any showings?

The stone shapes almost led me to believe there were people siting at the top of the steps on the left.

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Very impressive. And large. It deserves a nice frame.

Is this watercolor? How long did it take you?

Yes, transparent watercolor, Fabriano 140# soft press....large, yes. It's gets complicated when it's large. Several weeks of pondering, and some dozen hours or so of actual painting.

What's the little box thingy down in the left corner? Almost looks like a judging stamp. Did you put it in any showings?

The stone shapes almost led me to believe there were people siting at the top of the steps on the left.

It's a chop; ancient chinese characters carved in a stone stamp representing someone's name; everyone's got an ancient name, and their "daily" name. Mine's Lao Wantong.....old little urchin. Some kids in Hangzhou gave it to me. Good story.

Yes, the stone steps @ the left.....it was hard to represent them. The whole town is on canals and side canals, and primary transit was by water. All houses fronted onto an extremely narrow street w/shops, but the house business of food, supplies, and work all occurred at the back door via water. The place was full of cantilever stone slabs sticking out of the foundations over the water.

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