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Cloaking Addressees

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Hi All,

I keep getting emails from someone with a hugh list of other addressees listed. It's annoying as hell but I need to accept this person's emails. Is there a way to set up email so that when the email goes out the only address anyone sees is their own and all of those other sendees are cloaked?

If so, let me know so I can let this person know.

Thanks in advance.



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In Outlook, when sending new mail, click on cc.., This will open your contact list. In this window you will have three choices for your email:





The Bcc is for blind copy.

In this manner the recipient list does not show.

Hope this helps and I hope I'm right.

Have a great day inspecting.


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BCC is the answer, but the question is, is this forwarded email? It pisses me when I get a forwarded email with all the previous recipients. I coach people to delete all the previous addresses when they forward. But bad habits die hard. Good luck.

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It's one of the administrators at the college where I teach part time. He's sending out three word emails with simple documents attached that have a distribution list of about 400 addressees and it's annoying as hell trying to find his tiny little comments under that wall of addresses.

I just sent him an email pleading for him to use the BCC mode.



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