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Anyone use mobile apps?

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Hey, does anyone on here have any experience with mobile apps for performing inspections? I'm talking about mobile apps for a smartphone/tablet that take the place of paper forms while on-site. Any advice on what apps to use, what developer to go with, and general info on mobile apps would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 1 year later...

Hey, does anyone on here have any experience with mobile apps for performing inspections? I'm talking about mobile apps for a smartphone/tablet that take the place of paper forms while on-site. Any advice on what apps to use, what developer to go with, and general info on mobile apps would be greatly appreciated.

After interviewing a number of inspectors, and watching the growth of apps for iPhones and iPads, I've started early mockups of an app that will service the needs of inspectors here in Canada. If the beta version proves satisfactory, and helps inspectors produce the report before leaving the job site, I may get to work on versions suitable for American markets as well. I'd be happy to keep you posted. Send me an email or keep checking back in this forum.

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Hey, does anyone on here have any experience with mobile apps for performing inspections? I'm talking about mobile apps for a smartphone/tablet that take the place of paper forms while on-site. Any advice on what apps to use, what developer to go with, and general info on mobile apps would be greatly appreciated.

After interviewing a number of inspectors, and watching the growth of apps for iPhones and iPads, I've started early mockups of an app that will service the needs of inspectors here in Canada. If the beta version proves satisfactory, and helps inspectors produce the report before leaving the job site, I may get to work on versions suitable for American markets as well. I'd be happy to keep you posted. Send me an email or keep checking back in this forum.

Have you arrived at a flow chart yet? Is it DB based? Is there a feature list?


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I've put together a couple Filemaker Go apps for inspection; I've run them on my iPad and iPhone. They work fine, but at base, they're pretty lame. They meet SOP, pictures if you want, any manner of options, etc., etc., but they're still lame.

The way that one makes it "quicker" is to make the report minimal. There's no particular magic just because it's on a mobile device.

Go for it if you think you got something, but there's already a lot of options out there. I think you might find the home inspection market already saturated with mindless inspection apps; one more isn't going to be a sonic boom.

Filemaker lends itself very easily to inspection type apps.

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I guess somebody missed this post back in 2012 (maybe someone nuked link) but erobinsc and JustMitch are same ip... it seems easy to spot them after this many years LOL. I guess it should be explained how Canvas does their product reviews?

He dropped one here also:

https://www.inspectorsjournal.com/forum ... C_ID=16057

Did you guys hear about this recently:

http://searchengineland.com/seo-compani ... ews-172526


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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I just started using HomeGauge Companion (Android app). You still have to finish the report with Home Gauge desktop software, but it works pretty good, I use HG cloud services to upload and download reports from mobile devise to desktop, works real slick. So far I am using a Samsung 7 inch tablet, plan on getting a better tablet that has camera flash. HomeGauge is in process of making updates and improvements to the app. I've used a laptop onsite for many years now, not quite 100% sold on the app but its nice no going back and forth to a laptop to input info.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started out using HomeReport from AHIT on my iPad. It's ok, but I discovered that I can use it on my iPhone 6 Plus last week. With a larger phone, I can now navigate around the app and take pictures immediately without the clunkiness of a large tablet in the attic or crawlspace.

Major drawback is that is goes on a crashing binge from time to time. I do like that I can customize it fairly easily and it's already paid for with my previous license.

AHIT has a new software piece called InspectIT, but it has a monthly license and works only on tablets.

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I was playing around with my FM Go mobile app on a Filemaker Server arrangement. The new iPad processors are finally fast enough to make it work.

I may be going that route. Having the base program reside on a continually backed up server is pretty cool.

I'm waiting on Black Friday to make my purchase of a MacBook Pro, 15" Retina. I'll download a trial of FM Pro as soon as its out of the box. I'll even buy it if no trial is available just to see if I like it. I believe a robust DB, cloud and partnership between pad and laptop may be the best way to go.


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