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Holmes on Fox & Friends 6/5/12

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Not that I was looking for it, but caught a quick piece of Holmes on Fox & Friends this morning.

He was brandishing an IR camera and stated that ALL inspectors should have them and if they don't (effectively) they are not a worthwhile inspector (my turn of words in that comment). He also noted the IR camera was about $20K.

Then Gretchen asked if a homeowner could rent one and do their own IR work. [:-bigeyes Holmes did play that down a bit mentioning some understanding of the readings was necessary ... IE: Level 1.

He commented that he has $500K of tools and that all builders/inspectors should be similarly equipped.

It was a very quick/short piece, but likely enough to plant more seeds to foster questions from potential clients.

I've done some quick searching, but have not been able to find the video for the piece yet and it may be available later today.

Found the link for the video:

Holmes on Fox & Friends

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Well, it is on Fox.......[:-angel]

It's a harsh fact (and I said this about 8 years ago), most folks will have to get IR simply to keep up with the perception that it's necessary to do the job. After having the machinery for a few years now, I concede it comes in handy in a few ways, but it's hardly necessary.

Holmes has a lot of clout. A better strategy would be to not openly diss him anymore. He's in the kitchen, he's invited to dinner, we might as well get used to the idea he's going to be at the table.

Here's a prediction.......ASHI will court him, maybe successfully.

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When home buyers are willing to pay for the extra time and expense of a full IR scan, sure, we can all do the IR dance.

Giving the house a quick scan for free is not the way to go and not what Big Mike would do either. He also preachs that a home inspection should cost twice what we charge now. Bring it on.

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Well, it is on Fox.......[:-angel]

After having the machinery for a few years now, I concede it comes in handy in a few ways, but it's hardly necessary.

There's no doubt in my mind, as you say, that it comes in handy, and I remember your initial satisfaction with having purchased one. Yet, in my entire career, I have yet to get a call, through which I ever recognized that an IR would have made a difference.

I wouldn't mind owning one, but heck I think it's general experience that keeps us out of trouble, by knowing where to concentrate. I haven't had a call back in years.

Nonetheless, I am sure that you're right - eventually, we will have to add it to the show.

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I have an IR camera. I bring it with me to every job (well, I left it home for the the house that was getting double the listing price in neighborhood revitalization grants-I didn't want to park my car on that block), I use it on about half my inspections, and find something interesting about half of those. Far from necessary.

John, I already follow that pricing mantra. Fabry is the only inspector I might cross paths with that would charge more. Some day I'll be good enough to fix that.

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...I use it on about half my inspections, and find something interesting about half of those. Far from necessary.

1 in 4 isn't that bad. I use my $300 Inspector III electrical tester less than that and I feel it's cost is well justified. Holmes may have a point with that IR camera for Canadian inspections, maybe for some northern states but down south where I'm at, no. I doubt I'd use it on any more than 1 house out of 10.


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It's just so damn cute the way he wears his overalls Super Inspector Costume into the big city with all the ceee-ment canyons. I guess a building in distress might suddenly flash the Bat signal???

I understand that he also had the three amigos chasing the red dot of a laser pointer around the studio for more than an hour.

[:-censore I'll stop there.

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That's funny.

He doesn't bother me much; it's TV, and I haven't paid much attention to TV in a few decades.

I certainly don't think he's a nitwit; he's found a character that "plays", just like any other actor that's found their role.

I'll admit to a certain amount of envy. I'd like to have his gig, although, if it was me, it would be boring because I'd be talking reality. People identify with his "message"; people like saviors, and he certainly plays up that angle.

His character works because it plays to so many frustrations and emotions of (basically moronic) people. I work to dispel the angst at the base of all those frustrations instead of playing to them.

That's why a real home inspection TV show would be goddamnawful boring. People would have to pay attention and use their faculties. Successful TV is about forgetting reason and accepting the fantasy and storyline.

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The man is a nitwit. Just because he's famous doesn't make him less of a nitwit.

We'd be better off with Sasha Baron Cohen doing a home inspection show.

I've seen him about three times: twice purely by channel surfing, and once this morning on Fox. I find him almost instantly annoying. This morning, he's ripping off wall finish to discover damage, and pretty much acting as if a home inspector should have known it's there. I think the main thing that I find particularly abbrasive is his eagerness to find fault with everyone but himself. So, I cant watch him for very long, because I can only handle tiny doses of negativity at a time, before I am ready to claw my way through a concrete wall to get away. [:-banghea

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I wonder if God's gift to the home inspection profession has taken and passed the National Home Inspection Exam?

The NHIE is a test of elementary home inspector knowledge. If Bib-Boy hasn't taken and passed the NHIE he has zero credibility and should go off in a corner someplace and sit his pudgy butt down on one of this thumbs.



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It bothers me when Holmes says stuff like, "with this tool I can see mold inside of walls". That's BS!

He should say, "with this tool I can see temperature differences on surfaces and that can sometimes help me find other things"

When he says he can see mold behind walls, that misleads the public and creates unrealistic expectations.

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