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Food for Thought (Pun Intended) Self-Healing

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This information is available in a thread about audio books, but it is such important and valuable information that I am posting it here as well, in the hope that someone is helped:

Are you overwieght and on several medicines for cholesterol and/or blood pressure?

Based upon the book The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted by T. Colin Campbell, which reveals that MOST chronic disease can be arrested and often reversed through drastic changes in diet (elimination of animal protein), I have changed my eating habits drastically, with amazing results.

The author is a pretty well known nutritional scientist, who was the director of the China Study, and also did countless other studies with NIH, MIT, Cornell and the National Cancer Institute: his findings - animal protein is the common denominator in most forms of cancer, heart disease, inflammation, diabetes, and more. He was actually able to "turn on and off" cancer merely by introducing or taking away animal protein.

Bottom line: Going Vegan reduces your risk for cancer and heart disease, by probably 70%. As an example: in one of his studies he took a group of elderly patients, who had all suffered heart event (angina, heart attacks, etc.) In the past ten years, between them all they had 380 events. He put them on a strict vegan diet, and in the next ten years none of them ever had another event!

He closes by exposing how medical colleges are heavily funded by pharmaceutical and medical device companies, so no one wants diet to be the key player in health. Yet, the medical industry would rather cut on you or medicate you, rather than tell you that if you change your diet, they won't have to. There is too much money involved.

All this is why the medical world calls diabetes, heart disease and cancer diseases of the affluent. And, it is why us rich folk live longer today, not because our bodies are doing better but rather because of meds, pace-makers, etc. Poor countries where folks eat a mostly plant-based diet, folks die of more normal diseases: infections, pneumonia, AIDS, flu, etc., but not heart attacks, diabetes, MS and cancer. Our freedom to eat anything and everything we want comes at a high price - an earlier death than we were designed for. (Autopsies reveal that even American CHILDREN have the beginnings of hear disease (arterial plaque).

I literally "burned the ship" on the vegan shore: went through every cupboard and filled the trash can with everything that: had salt as an ingredient; every meat product; every oil (empty calories - no nutrients whatsoever); and every refined food. Then I filled the cabinets wish all the dash seasonings (salt-free), non-wheat grain hot cereals, fruits, veggies; etc.

(As a funny side note: Now, instead of butter, I give some of my cooked veggies a little saltiness with chicken stock, which works very well. But, last night I put the fork from the pasty chicken stock in my mouth, figuring "Oh, what the heck." The saltiness of it knocked me for a whollup, I literally could not swallow it and had to find the sink and spit it out. I was amazed that a week ago I would have swallowed it and said, "Mmm..." and now it was over-powering! Funny how easily we adjust.)

The Results

  • My weight is down from 206 to 198 in eight days, and continues to fall.

Blood pressure has dropped from 130/89 to 111/63. That's a 39/27 point drop in eight days

My cholesterol is down from168/80 to 87/87 - a decrease of the bad cholesterol by 81 points and the good cholesterol is the highest it has ever been since I began recording it

$200.00 of medicine has been eliminate - all just by changing what I eat.

I dropped from a Level III to a Level I risk with health insurance companies (A $175/mo savings)

That's a net savings of almost $400.00 just by minding "what" I eat, and the cool thing: no calorie or carb counting needed, eat all of the plant based food (leafy greens, nuts, beans, seeds) you wish. Avoid oil (calorie dense with zero nutrition), animal products like meats and dairy (also calorie dense with very few nutrients and also a common denominator in most cancers - a catalyst), wheat based stuff (allergy prone), sugar, and salt.

And, from here on out, arterial plaque begins to reverse, and the vulnerability toward cancer, and many other life threatening diseases is dramatically reduced. That sounds like a deal to me!

Needless to say, I am thrilled.


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Drink copious amounts of red wine, follow a modified Atkins diet, don't do too many sweets and be happy. I eat beef, chicken, eggs, fish for breakfast. Lotsa salads, no deserts. All my numbers are within range and I take no medications. Most of the red wine I drink is home made, with some purchased for fill in. I sleep like a baby for 5 hours, piss like a race horse at 4:00 am and go back to sleep till the coffee aroma wakes me. Life is good. P.S. I be 73.

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Drink copious amounts of red wine, follow a modified Atkins diet, don't do too many sweets and be happy. I eat beef, chicken, eggs, fish for breakfast. Lotsa salads, no deserts. All my numbers are within range and I take no medications. Most of the red wine I drink is home made, with some purchased for fill in. I sleep like a baby for 5 hours, piss like a race horse at 4:00 am and go back to sleep till the coffee aroma wakes me. Life is good. P.S. I be 73.

How nice! I'm on board the wine, but my cholesterol, the first time it was ever checked, was 365 - horrible. I felt great, and was walking, bicycling and hiking year around. I guess I just make the stuff like crazy, and doctors consider me a heart attack waiting to happen. Oddly, my great grandmother lived to 101 and my grandparent all into their 90s. My folks are both on their feet at 87. I'm going for 120! Why not?

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Latest shocker on this diet: I just, for the first time in years can do complete full range knee bends. I was dealing with inflammation that I had passed off as permanent injury from snowboarding and past HI related repetitive motion. Negative! It's gone, and my knee is as good as if I was a kid. AMAZING! Every day i realize some new significant improvement in my quality of life through this diet. Wish i had known to do it sooner.

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