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Today marks the start of my fifth year as a licensed inspector.

I'm convinced, the biggest reason I'm still around is because of the help and continuing education I get from all of you who participate in this forum.

Thank you, to everyone here.

Tom Raymond, congratulations to you on starting your fifth year as well.

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Yep, I'm in my second go round at the first 5 years after my move to the Nashville area. For anyone that is wondering the second time around was not a piece of cake but it was a little easier simply because I knew what not to do and what to expect!

Congratulations to everyone new and experienced who have survived the past 5 years, it has not been easy for anyone!

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Yes, congratulatons.

Thanks for the compliments, guys, but it ain't just me. There's Mike Brown and Rose Balden our sponsors at Devwave that originally built this place for me and there's a whole group of other owners; each of who shall remain anonymous until such time as each feels he wants to make it known that he's one of the folks responsible for making this place what it is.



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I'm into my sixth year. I cleared as much last year as most of you do in one month. [:-paperba

Clients seem to love my reports. Realtor's no likie. Beats the hell out of being a Wallmart greeter though.

Two one hour inspectors are the golden boys in this area. One has said that those Realtor's just don't want to hang around for more than an hour. A big cheese came up from CREIA once and was really looking forward to meeting that inspector. He had heard so many good things about him.

Bullchitin and whatin.

That inspector is proud of the day he did 8 houses. They were new in a tract I think.

When I was first getting started I did 2 beater houses for a RE firm in a nearby town. Tore them up in my report, but they still sold. Then the owner of the firm had me look at a darling little house for an elderly lady client. I pulled up, back when I thought this will be the house that is in really good condition, and started looking and when I was done it wasn't so cute anymore. I never worked for that firm again and not in that town for years later.

Word gets around when you don't play ball and I am a crappy salesman. Things could be worse. I could have a broken back!

TIJ is great!

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I'm into my sixth year. I cleared as much last year as most of you do in one month. [:-paperba

Clients seem to love my reports. Realtor's no likie. Beats the hell out of being a Wallmart greeter though.

Two one hour inspectors are the golden boys in this area. One has said that those Realtor's just don't want to hang around for more than an hour. A big cheese came up from CREIA once and was really looking forward to meeting that inspector. He had heard so many good things about him.

Bullchitin and whatin.

That inspector is proud of the day he did 8 houses. They were new in a tract I think.

When I was first getting started I did 2 beater houses for a RE firm in a nearby town. Tore them up in my report, but they still sold. Then the owner of the firm had me look at a darling little house for an elderly lady client. I pulled up, back when I thought this will be the house that is in really good condition, and started looking and when I was done it wasn't so cute anymore. I never worked for that firm again and not in that town for years later.

Word gets around when you don't play ball and I am a crappy salesman. Things could be worse. I could have a broken back!

TIJ is great!

This can be fixed. We have Face Book. We all have friends who have friends, who have friends. We have a powerful tool. Think about it. The prince of the bib overalls has a page too. That makes him open game for those of us who do it for real. I've already started to write post for the hero's page. I'm probably going to bounce it off a couple of you first, just to keep it from sounding too snarky. He should be the first on the list. At the very least, thousands will see it before they either delete it from his page or they address it. They can block me. Then it's your turn and your turn. Think about it.

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This area of CA is like an island. These guys are the good ole boys, loved by the Realtors. People up here pretty much don't know the difference between a home inspector, pest guy, or an appraiser. They be ignant. Although I have lived here longer than anywhere else, since 81, I am not a beloved local son. Taboot I am not a social schmoozer. I have about 6 friends here and only two do Fb. I've had my Fb business page up for over a year and have a whopping 47 likes. These good ole boys do know a lot and they know if they just speak about the worst and are out of there in one hour, all is good. If I start to publicly trash the beloved ones the Realtors will turn on me big time, like that firm down south. One guy is way old, the other bad knees and back. It's just the way it is. They will hang it up eventually. Then there is the third guy who does a good job and underbids these other two, so my rates are mid range. Tuforty for under 1500 sq ft. [:-monkeyd

I can't just come in kicking ass cause I don't come from a construction background like most of you. The other guys don't either. Self learned all this stuff. I was a claims adjuster for 25yrs before this where I dealt with all the heavy car wrecks and the occasional buildings they ran into. Why the hell would I have been a claims adjuster you ask? When I was 16 I lived across the street from one and he became a very good friend of mine. In 79 I broke my back, [:-paperba, and had to get a sit down job. Once I recovered I had it down and my future wife was one pane of glass away from me.

It still beats a broken back!

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If I start to publicly trash the beloved ones the Realtors will turn on me big time, like that firm down south.

Trashing people is not the idea. I simply would like to know why the hero has never once addressed the referral system or asked these poor folks on the show, how they found who they hired.

Even if it's deleted from his page, it'll still be on mine and the page of everyone who comments or shares it. From my friends on one coast to the other. It can spread like a wildfire. Who could possibly be a better choice for educating the public than the righter of all that is wrong? The same guy who has suckered the uneducated into a following large enough to keep his shows on the air. Hell, it might even open his eyes. Ha!

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