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Excel and iPad

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Thanks!! I looked at the Numbers App, but apparently Apple did an update and screwed it up. Folks are not happy with the update. I'll look at Filemaker Go.. I just have some banks I deal with that send me Excel spreadsheets so I need to find something that I can use to work on the workbooks out in the field. Just to make life easier!

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Why do you use an Ipad? Is it for ease of use , the whole, apple/mac thing or just cause its a tablet?

It has a great many uses for me, but then not everyone might agree.

It is my office on the road, it is small, light weight, you can see the screen in sunlight and the battery will last days with normal use.

I have some building codes on it; I have a couple of books I'm reading on it; I have music on it; etc, etc.... It has taken the place of my laptop computer. I have not started doing my home inspection reports on it, but I can see that is on the horizon.

It also looks cool to have one when I'm in Starbucks! [;)]

The biggest reason is that I won it and it did not cost me a cent! The problem is now my wife wants one so I'm going to end up buying one anyway!

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Apple sold 300,000 more iPads last quarter than any computer mfg. sold computers. 11.7 million iPads, HP sold 11.4 computers.

They're remarkably handy for more things you can think of. It's the only tool I've ever bought without knowing what I was going to use it for.

The world's going mobile quicker than you can imagine. Computers are yesterday.

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Why do you use an Ipad? Is it for ease of use , the whole, apple/mac thing or just cause its a tablet?

It has a great many uses for me, but then not everyone might agree.

It is my office on the road, it is small, light weight, you can see the screen in sunlight and the battery will last days with normal use.

I have some building codes on it; I have a couple of books I'm reading on it; I have music on it; etc, etc.... It has taken the place of my laptop computer. I have not started doing my home inspection reports on it, but I can see that is on the horizon.

It also looks cool to have one when I'm in Starbucks! [;)]

The biggest reason is that I won it and it did not cost me a cent! The problem is now my wife wants one so I'm going to end up buying one anyway!

I hear ya on the Starbucks. The wife got me hooked on the caramel frappuccino. I love ticking off the cashiers when I ask for a small med or large and don't order in the Starbucks lingo.

Never had an Ipad, Iphone or mac for that matter. I know the popularity is huge and for good reasons.I just could not justify the price and did not want to bother learning a new OS I did just pick up a ASUS slate ep121 that I'm absolutely in love with. Its got an I5 processor and runs the full 64 bit version of windows 7 that is tablet based. I'm running whisper reporter with the stylus pen and it ever recognizes my chicken scratch. It cut my reporting time in half.

If you can run your reporting software on the Ipad go for it. If not check out the ep121.

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I hate tablets. I can't function when my visual interface has to double as my manual interface. I don't like the tiny screens, and I can't stand looking through the fingerprints.

It's kind of like getting your mustache in front of your eye teeth, you can't see what your saying.

You can have my laptop when you pry it from my cold dead hands. Viva la resistance!

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I hate tablets. I can't function when my visual interface has to double as my manual interface. I don't like the tiny screens, and I can't stand looking through the fingerprints.

It's kind of like getting your mustache in front of your eye teeth, you can't see what your saying.

You can have my laptop when you pry it from my cold dead hands. Viva la resistance!

know what you mean. I don't really "touch" mine with my hands a lot. The pen is what I use the most. It's amazing the amount of time I've cut out of my reporting not having to write on a yellow pad then enter the info onto the laptop. You just point to the area of the report you want info typed into, a box comes up, you handwrite your info in the box and it covert's it over to text flawlessly.

That's what's so nice about the windows bases Slate tablets. They are full computers and do everything a laptop does with all the features of a tablet too. I was dreading learning a new computer and report software, but wonder how I use to do reports before. Laptops will soon be a thing of the past just like desktops. Everything will be tablet based.

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know what you mean. I don't really "touch" mine with my hands a lot. The pen is what I use the most. It's amazing the amount of time I've cut out of my reporting not having to write on a yellow pad then enter the info onto the laptop. You just point to the area of the report you want info typed into, a box comes up, you handwrite your info in the box and it covert's it over to text flawlessly.

That's what's so nice about the windows bases Slate tablets. They are full computers and do everything a laptop does with all the features of a tablet too. I was dreading learning a new computer and report software, but wonder how I use to do reports before. Laptops will soon be a thing of the past just like desktops. Everything will be tablet based.

Noted that you indicated you are using Whisper Reporter on the tablet and it appears that you really like that approach. I've been using WR since it was first released and get to help Larry & Eric out with debugging and new things sometimes before they are released. It is a great application and when I was talking with Larry recently he was telling me I should try WR on a tablet (I don't have one ... yet).

I'm still locked to my Dell notebook, but may consider a tablet the next time.

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know what you mean. I don't really "touch" mine with my hands a lot. The pen is what I use the most. It's amazing the amount of time I've cut out of my reporting not having to write on a yellow pad then enter the info onto the laptop. You just point to the area of the report you want info typed into, a box comes up, you handwrite your info in the box and it covert's it over to text flawlessly.

That's what's so nice about the windows bases Slate tablets. They are full computers and do everything a laptop does with all the features of a tablet too. I was dreading learning a new computer and report software, but wonder how I use to do reports before. Laptops will soon be a thing of the past just like desktops. Everything will be tablet based.

Noted that you indicated you are using Whisper Reporter on the tablet and it appears that you really like that approach. I've been using WR since it was first released and get to help Larry & Eric out with debugging and new things sometimes before they are released. It is a great application and when I was talking with Larry recently he was telling me I should try WR on a tablet (I don't have one ... yet).

I'm still locked to my Dell notebook, but may consider a tablet the next time.

The reason I found WR was because of your posts on this forum. I figured if you like it as much as you do then it must be worth looking into. I' m glad I did.

I was able to duplicate my customized report that I was using with Omniform 5.0 to WR. I'm amazed at the features this software has to offer. Going from Omniform (a form creation and filler software) to WR (a fully customizable home inspection bases software) the differences are night and day. The best thing about WR is Larry. The guy does not sleep. If I have a question he answers them night and day. Customer service goes a long way.

I had a hard time giving up my Dell, that this was a tank. It got to the point after 4 years that both screen tabs were broken and the screen would no longer stay up on its own, but the computer still functioned great. The new ASUS slate ep121 works great with WR and I would encourage looking into one. The ASUS or Samsung slates seem to be the best out right now.

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