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This Weeks Most Nauseating Suckup Press Release

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Here we are, more than a decade after Herner vs. Housemaster and the franchises still haven't learned their lessons about client/inspector versus inspector/agent relationships.

If real estate toadies put you waay off your feed, it's probably not a good idea to visit the link below.

http://rismedia.com/2012-05-14/tools-of ... spections/



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The inspector learned , from his agent wife, that TERMITES and RADON were a concern. So, he expanded his business to include MOLD and RADON testing. Makes sense to me.

Inspectors really should not read this piece, if they are in mixed company.

I suppose I'll get the national director for Pillar to Post on here telling everyone what a "loser" I am and how I don't understand the bidness.

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One of the few times I booked a job through a realtor she called back and said Pillar to Post had given her "coupons" worth $75 that she could share with her clients, and that our booking was now cancelled. I guess she might have been fishing for a negotiation.

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P to P have had the same sales model since the beginning. They used to give out big ass TV's to agents that referred them the most.....had pic's of happy agents jumping up and down because they won a TV.

Walter had some good comments about them a long while back.

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I read them hoping to find a kernel of change in the way we are doing things - not the same 'ol, same 'ol.

It's somewhat discouraging to me that we're still perpetuating the joined-at-the-hip-therefore-most-probably-in-cahoots home inspector stereotype nearly 60 years after this profession first moved toward formalization. It causes me to sometimes question my resolve to continue to try and do the right thing instead of rolling over and doing what's expedient.



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