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CFU's in Closets

Mike Lamb

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Would screwing in a CFU bulb in an old pull chain closet fixture make it a fluorescent luminaire?

and has 410.8(B) and (D) changed since 2005?

(D) Location. Luminaires (fixtures) in clothes closets shall

be permitted to be installed as follows:

(1) Surface-mounted incandescent luminaires (fixtures) installed

on the wall above the door or on the ceiling,

provided there is a minimum clearance of 300 mm

(12 in.) between the luminaire (fixture) and the nearest

point of a storage space

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Would screwing in a CFU bulb in an old pull chain closet fixture make it a fluorescent luminaire?

Hmmm. Does dancing around in a brassiere and underwear make you Madonna?

I guess not.

(B) Luminaire (Fixture) Types Permitted. Listed luminaires

(fixtures) of the following types shall be permitted ...

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