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What Happened?

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I'm up over 40% from this time last year. Best year in the last several years. I barely have time to get my carrots and lettuce in the ground.

I jumped on it in March with that weird warm spell; I've got peas, spinach, a couple types of lettuce, chinese cabbage, radishes, carrots, couple kinds of kale....all the cool season stuff is out of the ground and I'm already eating.

Somehow, it all got through the cold spells in April.

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I'm very pleased to get ~two/week. Of course the "drive-bys" are slammed at 3-4/day and the zoids love 'em.

How in the hell does a legitimate inspector do 3-4 a day?

Oh, sorry...I think I just answered my own question.

But seriously, it's been busy here lately also. Given the situation the last few years it's hard having to turn down jobs that I can't get to.

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Besides my 40hr/wk day job, I'm swamped with inspections. I did a partial inspection tonight, will finish it tomorrow, have one Thurs. night, and am booked all weekend. There have been a couple more I couldn't fill for the week.

I've turned away enough inspections to keep a full time inspector busy for at least the last couple of months.

I'm hoping that whatever is going on will continue. My wife, not so much.........

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I know a couple of legitimate guys who do 3 a day several times a month. They start at about 7 AM and finish about 9 PM.

I don't want to work that long. Two a day for me.

Want me. Have to wait until next Thursday.

Kind of nice being busy. Been that way since mid January.

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I had a big surge this spring, but it disappeared right after this thread started. Thanks guys[;)]

Me too! WTF?

Part of my problem stems from refusing to sign a letter to a banker about a bandaid repair my client made to keep a trickle of water from entering a basement wall. I was told this was the only thing holding up the approval. The bank wanted me to bless it off on my letterhead and insisted I include a copy of my license with it.

I told the client to have the banker contact me and I'd be happy to talk to them about signing a contract, paying me for my service, and I would offer my opinion of the repair.

That, pissed everyone off.

Last I heard, they hired another inspector to write the letter. Good for them. Meanwhile, I'm being balled real hard.

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I had a big surge this spring, but it disappeared right after this thread started. Thanks guys[;)]

Me too! WTF?

Part of my problem stems from refusing to sign a letter to a banker about a bandaid repair my client made to keep a trickle of water from entering a basement wall. I was told this was the only thing holding up the approval. The bank wanted me to bless it off on my letterhead and insisted I include a copy of my license with it.

I told the client to have the banker contact me and I'd be happy to talk to them about signing a contract, paying me for my service, and I would offer my opinion of the repair.

That, pissed everyone off.

Last I heard, they hired another inspector to write the letter. Good for them. Meanwhile, I'm being balled real hard.

I had an inspection two years ago where the lender wanted me to "sign off" on some repairs. It was minor league stuff, so I didn't give it much thought and took the money. How does this dodge affect a loan? I don't understand the benefit to the lender. Does government backing come into play?

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