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How Would You Like To See TIJ Change

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Hi All,

It's been about a year and a half since we changed TIJ's format and I thought I'd solicite folks for ideas for ways to change or improve TIJ to better serve home inspectors.

TIJ is for all home inspectors, so what I'm most interested in is ways we can improve the flow of ideas and educational opportunities for inspectors.

So, post your suggestions here or send them to me privately via e-mail and I'll see if there's anything we can do to spice up the decor in here.


Mike O'Handley, Editor

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Here's my two cents...

I like it like it is. It's fast. I can zip in, see new messages and get out quickly and think about getting some real work done.

IMHO, there's not a lot of worthless B.S. on this board, I guess we can thank Mike for that and for keeping those that get their jollies by constantly stirring s**t up.

I like the download area. I think it was also an improvement making new members fill out a profile. I can't think of one area that I'd improve on at this moment but I'll work on it.

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As I figured, as soon as I hit the "Submit Reply" button, I had an idea for something I'd like.

A monthly tech article by one of the Guru's of the board or industry. Maybe an aritcle with pics on inspecting Stucco by StuccoMan (I think that was his name), or Norm on Pools, Katen...on...well..anything, maybe Kurt could share some tips on structural brick, Goodman on the construction and practical installation of plywood drip pans in mobile homes....

You get the idea. Be nice to have lots of photo's since it will be on the web. I really like seeing and can grasp the subject better, when I see real world failures and examples of right vs. wrong as compared to some illustration out of a text book.

I'd also like to find that article by Michael Leavitt on three light testers. I could swear I downloaded it somewhere but it's not in any of my favorite folders.

Now, there you go Mike, go make it happen,

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Since there are different types of Inspections that Home Inspector's are now doing like, Construction Draw, Work in Progress, Construction Inspection, FEMA Inspection and FHA 203 program, I would like to see a new Forum for Construction Inspection. The old downloads on HUD and the new ones from COE in your library could them become resource material's for those type of inspection.

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Originally posted by Donald Lawson

A monthly tech article by one of the Guru's of the board or industry.

...Goodman on the construction and practical installation of plywood drip pans in mobile homes....

Donald is making big Ha-Ha, Donald is. [:-mischie

Actually that isn't a bad idea, but I don't think you could support it on a monthly basis (busy seasons and a general lack of gurus). I'd take what I could get though, whenever I could get it. Off-season would probably be better for reading and absorption anyway.

Brian G.

How About Lawson on the Finer Points of Mobile Home Decor? [:-yuck][:-dev3]

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I would like to see a requirement for non-member visitors to register when they log onto the forum. I'm involved in a collection issue with a client who logged on and read a thread I started last fall titled "Am I Scared?". Some of you may remember it was an account of that which went on down here in S. Florida during and after the hurricanes. I had stated that following my family's safety the next priority was to provide electrical power for the beer keg. I also described my trip to the beach, with my wife, following the storms to watch the wind surfers some of which were scantlly clothed. This delusional woman downloaded the thread and forwarded it to my attorney along with an email in which she describes me as a "self-proclaimed drunk and pervert". She also sent me a letter in which she describes herself as "a beautiful, single mother....".She even went so far as to email a photo of herself and her children to my attorney to as she put it "this will put a face to the name" like my attorney could care less. As to her description of herself, believe me, she is a middle aged person of average appearance. At any rate we have filed a lien on her property which takes 4-6 weeks to record. Any suggestions regarding dealing with this deadbeat would be appreciated. If anyone has time on their hands and wants to have a laugh shoot me a PM and I'll provide you with this idiot's name, address, phone number, and email address. By the way I just fired up the generator to be sure we will have power for the cooler this hurricane season.


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"Any suggestions regarding dealing with this deadbeat would be appreciated."

She's PO'd because you didn't invite her to shoot the bull around your beer keg.

I thought all visitors were required to register? Or is that just to post? That's some strange woman who could hunt you down on this forum, figure out your name and the category you posted under. Jim Rockford would be envious!!

Good Luck with getting the dough out of her!

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According to Mike all one has to do is run a "google search" and they can find out what chat rooms you participate in. After that it's easy. Go to forums, click on members, click on the member you are interested in and the threads he/she has posted on are displayed.


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Along the lines of Norm's registering concerns...

How about a sparate "members only" section for bitchin', bloggin, and blamin'. It would require log in and password, along with terms and conditions saying "what's said here, stays here".

I've had some situations, over the last year, that I wanted/needed to share with the "core" dudes of this forum, whom I trust. Sometimes it was just to let off steam and commiserate, other times to get advice on situations that have come up. For concerns of backlash similar to what happened to Norm, I did not share them.

At the risk of coming off as exclusive, I think it might be a good idea.

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Wow, Norm's correct. I googled "Norm florida home inspector" and a couple of his post showed up.

Chris has hit on an excellent idea, of course it would help if the "private" area could be made so it doesn't show up on search engine results.

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As much as a member's only area would be welcome, it's not the best thing for TIJ as whole. Not only would it segregate the users, it would detract from the website as a whole because so much conversation would occur exclusively in that area leaving the main site to turn into a dust bowl. I know that if I had a question to ask that I felt I should know the answer to but didn't, I'd ask it in memeber's only (assuming you guys would let me join) to avoid publically exposing my ignorance.

Jimmy's idea of an email list is good and would preserve the essence of the forum.

Now, the fact that Googling one's name brings results from forums is true. I sign my posts with my name and my business name with a link to my website. Google "structuresmart" or "chad fabry". The results from those searches and all the times I get my name on a post have catapulted my website to 1st, second or third listing on every search engine for just about any pertinent search term.

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I can see upside and downside to a members only, or something like that. As long as we didn't let it turn into what Chad mentioned (a place to post mildly embarrassing inspecting stuff that really should be out on the board) it could be useful. Forums need a steady flow of material (posts, articles, etc.), or people lose interest.

With that in mind I have a suggestion along a different line. There's all of 5 articles in the "Latest Reviews" section to date. Most of us are tool and gadget nuts, always buying and trying out new stuff; hand tools, flashlights, testers, electronics, software, you name it. I don't know if that section is reserved for management, but any of us could write a short article on something we bought and tried out, no guru-ism required. All one needs is an opinion...I think we have a few around here. It isn't exactly education, but I'm sure it would be useful to some and it could draw more articles and participation from members (and help feed the e-magazine).

Mike could set up a few simple guidelines if need be (maximum length, only products currently available, etc.) and open it up to all. The only snag might be in keeping the salespeople out of it; real inspectors only. I also realise reporting software may be a sticky wicket, but there's a lot of other stuff to talk about.

Brian G.

Gizmo Addict [:-dopey]

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Hi Guys,

I am listening. I'll have some responses on a few days.

As for the search, go to the blue menu bar at the top of the page and pass your cursor over the items featured there and look at all of the drop downs. You'll find the search feature under forums. As I recall, it works in advanced mode but not in the other, or vice versa, I'm not sure which.



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