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Gym tour & flooring video

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I know there are several similar products out there, but we just installed one of these floors in a gym/therapy room in our local ARC (I'm on their board). We were very unhappy with the seams so the ARC's maintenance director, who clerked the project, complained to the company. After an initial ration of excuses, enough hell was raised that a completely new install was done. Our only concession was to dispose of the scrapped material-the maintenace offices now have new flooring as well. [;)]

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The contract called for us to be 'substantially complete' by May 1 (which means a TCO). We can make it, but now the date was pushed to May 13.

All final inspections are to be done this week except the final building which I was told to wait.

Lockers, 'smart boards' and such are the owners responsibility. They plan to open in August so there is plenty of time for the school and teachers to set up the classrooms.

I did a tour of the school section but it came out bad; I'll do another one this week.

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