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Sixteen Candles

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Hi All,

I hadn't realized it until I sat down to the computer this morning, but yesterday was the 16th Anniversary of my getting into this gig. [:-party]

Where the hell did all the time go and why ain't I stinkin' rich by now like all of those full-page magazine ads said I'd be back in 1996 with their promises of full time pay for part time work?!!!



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I'm entering my fifteenth, making it the longest working gig of my little life as well.

BTW, yesterday was the 29th of my still thriving, throbbing marriage to my wife as well.

Congrats. Yung and I met 34 years ago last February 23rd and out 32nd anniversary will be on May 2nd.

She'd doing such a good job that I'm thinking I should probably keep her around a couple more weeks.



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