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Why this?


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I found this in a 1925 vintage home Friday. It had a recessed Edison base socket in it with the adapter in it which you see in the photo. Additionally, there also appears to have been a hinged cover over it originally. Anyone know why this would be used at baseboard level in a hallway? Some early type of nightlight?

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It's not the location in the baseboard that has me stumped; I'm used to that in older homes. It's the fact that it has an Edison base socket in it and had some sort of hinged cover over it. I'm pretty sure the adapter converting it to a receptacle was done later. The other original receptacles were all mounted in the baseboard, but they were conventional ungrounded duplex receptacles.

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Could the wires to that receptacle also be in a channel inside the baseboard?

I didn't remove it to look. The home was definitely built in 1925 and had a lot of the K&T wiring intact. It wasn't retrofitted. But this was the only receptacle like this in a 3300 S.F. home.

As for Kibbel, I think there's a Dorian Gray sort of thing going on. He knows all this stuff because he's actually lived it.

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