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Icy road crash

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Not the F-150 one, but probably similar.

Someone sent it to me and they implied it was on the way up to Bend, OR.

The folks filming it are lucky that the errant driver rig did not bounce back into them.

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Some posts are about education and information, others are about entertainment. This deadly crash...which is it?


That qualifies for entertaining education about going too fast on an icy road and it adds some guts n gore to bring the point home. I know when I was working I put 30k plus each year on my car and most of it was on busy I95 with trucks and crazy drivers who were putting on their makeup while texting and sipping a cuppa. I can relate to how fast that video went from boring to deadly.

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When the red car changed lanes, the black pickup accelerated to pass the box truck. I bet the black pickup had limited slip differential. That caused both rear wheels to loose traction at the same time making the truck fishtail.

I know this well because I have a 2wd Dodge Dakota with a V8 engine and limited slip diff. In slick situations, it fishtails very very easy.

They say that limited slip diffs are better in the snow. Situations like this make me wonder if they're worth it. With an open diff, usually one rear wheel will loose traction and the other will stay in better contact helping the vehicle maintain its track.

The benefits of limited slip (posi or whatever you want to call it), are limited indeed.

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That is a SUV.

Looks like a pickup with a fiberglass bed cap to me. That's why the shatter effect is so great. It's the fiberglass cap breaking up. That's what I see anyway.

Either way, an all wheel drive or a 4x4 (engaged) would not normally have the rear fishtail like that. Whatever the vehicle, it sure looks like both rear wheels loosing traction at the same time is what started the chain of events. That happens much more frequently in a vehicle in 2wd with a limited slip differential.

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As sad and tragic as it is, it was simply the fault of driver of that vehical.

I've never seen anything like that before, but that's only due to the luck of the draw. That truck got caught in the slush. That's what got it. A bank of slush will take you for a ride in the blink of an eye. No matter what drive you're in.

Changing lanes in those conditions is as white knuckle dangerous as it gets at those speeds. They were going too fast and probably paying attention to something other than driving. That's likely what caused them to stray into that crap in the center, that took them out.

The road conditions in that vid are typical of a daily winter commute around here and IMO, are more dangerous than driving on a snow packed road.

People have some false sense of invincibility behind the wheel of a four wheel drive equipped car, suv or truck. They make the sometimes fatal mistake of thinking they can just blow by everyone else. Funny thing about four wheel drive, it won't help you stop. It also won't do that much for a pickup truck with no weight in the back.

That crash was also partly a result of the lack of either a nice wide median, or a concrete Jersey barrier that would have kept them from crossing into oncoming traffic.

Last and definitely not least, even if you grow up and live your whole life driving in those conditions, the smart one's take their time every year to get used to it all over again.

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It is not easy to watch that again, but I wanted to check something. I think the driver spikes the brakes after hitting the slush strip on the center line. That puts the vehicle into a spin to the right, into the tail end of the cargo truck.

I saw something similar a few years back, when I was hauling my son and his friend and a load of gear on what we call the inland highway after a snowfall. Only the center lanes had been plowed, so I was in the fast lane, going too slow for some people, in my wife's Volvo wagon, which was a tank in any weather. This young kid in a Chevy S10 pickup gets sick of tailing me, so he pulls past on the right, then swings in front. He goes into a spin, I slow down, not braking, he slams into the concrete center barrier and his canopy (truck cap) flies off. Both canopy and truck then go sailing off to the right into the snowbank. The kid was OK, thanks to that barrier. Me, I just kept on going. It wasn't safe to stop, and I wouldn't have been very sympathetic if I had.

But I like to think it made him a better driver.

We need more barriers, no doubt.

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I'm with John Kogel on this. The major factor with this type of crash is over-correction (panic). Looks like he stabbed the brakes, then wrenched the steering wheel.

The problem with speed is there is no quick solution to a skid, only GENTLE correction. All of which is fine with plenty of room on the road, but catastrophic with traffic surrounding you.

Kinda' like pulling a plane out of a stall, get it right from the beginning, or you just made everything worse.

Anti-lock brakes are probably a bigger factor than the differential. Consider the effect of braking the front wheels and not the rear. They have been proven to have no beneficial effect in those situations.

My heart goes out to everyone involved. The financial and physical drain on family and friends is truly life changing and permanent. Been there.

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I agree when the brake is stabbed it goes completely out of control. However, I still see loss of rear wheel traction and a slight fish tail prior to that. The loss of rear wheel traction happens while the vehicle is still in the middle of the lane and not in the slush. That first little fish tail is what send the vehicle into the slush at the left side.

It was an uphill stretch. The driver was probably gradually depressing the accelerator to pass. Eventually the transmission kicked down to a lower gear to meet the demand. On the trans downshift, the torque at the wheel suddenly increases and the tires loose traction.

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Also a good lesson in back off cause you never know what might happen. The guy filming could have been wiped had the errant drivers rig came flinging back his way. He didn't seem to back off till after the shock of seeing the crash. It all happens so fast.

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As Chad would say, "When I worked in the 12volt trade." I built, repaired, and raced (drag) many differentials, both limited slip, open and 'spools'. The Dodge Dakota as well as any pickup has NO weight on the rear drive wheels. Traction depends entirely on the road and the tire contact.

The type of differential did not cause the rear wheels to become 'unhooked' from the road, the ice did. Ever hear the term 'black ice', it refers to icey patches on the road, you don't need to drive on the shoulder to find it. You can drive over it a thousand times in a straight line and never even notice it, but try to accelerate, brake , or change lanes on it and the problem begins.

Once one or both tires lose traction the fishtail starts. If you have a lot of room and a gentle touch you might be able to drive out of it.

If your limited slip differential does not slip in a lane change or cornering situation it is broken.

Ever try to turn a dragster with a spool for a rear? The wheels are locked dead together. 'Nuff said, just pray for the guy.

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