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Any guesses as to what this was for?


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On my first walk around the exterior, I spotted this PVC pipe exiting the master bathroom wall. I figured I'd find out what it was when I got inside. It turned out that I was wrong. It's capped of at the wall.

The seller (deceased) put in an extensive jerry-rigged irrigation system. This obviously isn't part of it, but seems to be made of leftover pipe and fittings from that project. Does anybody have any guesses as to what it was used for? All I could come up with, is to save water, he used to take a wiz in something that was connected to it, letting it drain into the gutter (then out on the ground). I hope I'm wrong!

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Maybe it's a fire escape for a pet mouse. People do stupid stuff for their pets.

I had a mystery pipe like that about a month ago, drain pipe out the wall, down into the perimeter drains, which empty into the city storm drains. When I got inside, I found a kitchen sink with a new drain. They'd capped the old illegal drain pipe with duct tape. It would have taken 2 minutes to rip the stupid thing out.

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