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When are they going to take the dams out so the salmon can live?


Just kidding.....

Oh, they're taking some of them out for exactly that reason.

Unfortunately, the best science on the topic is telling us that the dramatic declines in the salmon populations are not, in fact, the fault of the dams. The fish are dying out, but the damage is happening in the oceans, not in the rivers.

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Oh, they're taking some of them out for exactly that reason.

Unfortunately, the best science on the topic is telling us that the dramatic declines in the salmon populations are not, in fact, the fault of the dams. The fish are dying out, but the damage is happening in the oceans, not in the rivers.

Was that true in 1937 (or thereabouts) when the dams were built?

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So you live in snow country and have left the security of Subaru AWD for 2WD?


Snow? What snow? We just had our third snow event of the season and there's almost 3" on the ground in ski country, a third of that at home. The first big storm we had dropped 2' over night, but that all melted in less than a week. That was months ago.

My wife can drive anything, she was training to drive a concrete truck until they decided they needed her more in dispatch. She's actually whining that she has to tolerate an automatic transmission. Besides, 260 pounds of batteries evenly distributed directly over the axles ought to provide plenty of traction. My SUV is AWD, so she always has that option.

Did you check first to see whether you're insurance rate would go up when switching from one to the other?



Leaving my policy as is the new car adds $11 a month to my premium. Tweeking the policy, and tripling my coverage, nets out equal. Now that I know how badly my agent is raping me, I'll be shopping around.

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Oh, they're taking some of them out for exactly that reason.

Unfortunately, the best science on the topic is telling us that the dramatic declines in the salmon populations are not, in fact, the fault of the dams. The fish are dying out, but the damage is happening in the oceans, not in the rivers.

Was that true in 1937 (or thereabouts) when the dams were built?

No. The most dramatic die-offs are recent - the last 20 years or so. But the overall decline in Salmon populations goes back to the mid-1800s and is related to beaver trapping, gold mining, and irrigation practices.

The dams are certainly and without a doubt part of the problem, but they're not all of it. With fish ladders and careful construction, salmon and dams can get along just fine.

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No. The most dramatic die-offs are recent - the last 20 years or so. But the overall decline in Salmon populations goes back to the mid-1800s and is related to beaver trapping, gold mining, and irrigation practices.

The dams are certainly and without a doubt part of the problem, but they're not all of it. With fish ladders and careful construction, salmon and dams can get along just fine.

That's pretty much true with every native American species. Anyone ever read Peter Matthiessen's "Wildlife in America"?

It all went to blazes in the 19th century.

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